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Heavy metal really is the work of those who make Summer Breeze happen

As for Thaís Emanuele Lima, 33, security guard, the work already requires much more responsibility and is not easy at all. “There is a lot of information that we need to keep in order to pass it on to the public and we need to be attentive at all times. We decorate the map of the location, all the emergency exits, bathrooms, the entire schedule of shows, schedules, everything”, she says, proudly . As for serious incidents, Thaís says that for seven years working as a security guard he has never had any violent episodes, no fights, no carrying of weapons or anything like that. “The only recurring occurrences are drug possession, which we then need to confiscate,” he reports. When we asked what kind of music Thaís likes, she laughed and replied: “I don’t like rock, no. I like samba, pagode, forró. But it’s very interesting and fun to observe the public that likes rock that comes with it. For me, That I’m from the Northeast is very strange, but nothing against it”, he adds. Regarding the worst thing about being a security guard at a festival, she is categorical: “Ah, the worst thing is the contempt and disrespect. There is always one or the other who wants to stand up and confront, even more so when the security guard is a woman. This, with Of course, it’s the worst part.”

Patrícia Silva, 41, cleaning assistant Image: Gabriela Franco/UOL

But let’s face it: perhaps one of the worst tasks among festival employees is cleaning assistants, especially in bathrooms and open spaces. Patrícia Souza da Silva, 41 years old, cleaning assistant who says: ‘Look, I’ve worked at worse festivals, this one where the people are well behaved”, he comments. “I think it’s really fun, we see some very funny figures , learn a lot, have contact with people who are not part of our daily lives or my social class, they are from different cultures, I think this is really cool and interesting”, he says. About living almost all day with the noise of rock in the head, Patrícia says who isn’t even the worst part “I think it’s funny, that’s what. As these people like this noise, they can’t even understand the lyrics! And everyone is wearing black in this heat, my God!” When asked what genre of music she liked, she says “I like gospel, much calmer”.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Heavy metal work Summer Breeze happen