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First survey for Europeans shows PS ahead with 27.5% and AD with 23.2% | European elections

The Intercampus survey carried out for the Morning mail attributes the victory in the European elections on June 9 to the PS, which leads by more than as many percentages as the Democratic Alliance (pre-electoral coalition between PSD, CDS and PPM).

In the opinion study, the first concerning the elections for the European Parliament, the PS recorded 27.5% of voting intentions (in 2019 the socialists obtained 33.38%) and the AD 23.2% (five years ago, the PSD registered 21.94% and CDS 6.19%). Thus, both the PS and AD fall short of the results achieved in the last European championships.

It is, however, necessary to point out that the fieldwork for this study was carried out between the 18th and 23rd of April and as the PS and AD lists were only known on the night of the 22nd of April, the survey very partially measures the effect that the bet on the candidacies respectively led by the socialist Marta Temido and the independent SebastiĆ£o Bugalho had among the respondents.

In third comes Chega (10.7%) and in fourth is Bloco de Esquerda (6.1%). But the main novelty when it comes to measuring voting intentions is the fact that Livre appears in fifth with 4.8%, ahead of the Liberal Initiative (3.6%) and the pre-election alliance between PCP and PEV (CDU registers 2.7%).

The PAN obtained 1.1%, while 17.5% were undecided.

The survey consisted of 605 interviews and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4%.

In parallel to the survey on European elections, Intercampus carried out the usual monthly barometer regarding voting intentions in legislative elections.

In April, that is, about a month after the general elections of March 10, which gave victory to the Democratic Alliance by a very narrow margin, the PS receives 26.6% of voting intentions (below the 28% achieved in the legislative) and appears ahead of the AD, which does not exceed 22.5% (much below the 28.8% obtained in the most recent trip to the polls).

Followed by Chega (14.4%), Bloco (9%), IL (7.3%), Livre (5.3%), PAN (2.7%) and CDU (2 ,1%). 7.4% were still undecided.

If PS, AD, Chega and CDU are below the results obtained in the last legislative elections, the voting intentions of Bloco, IL, Livre and PAN exceed the percentages achieved on March 10th.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: survey Europeans shows ahead European elections