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Pro-Palestinian activists vandalized Portuguese company building railways in Jerusalem – News

In a statement, the Collective for the Liberation of Palestine states that “a group of people in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance” and with the movement painted and broke the windows of the building and several company vehicles, having written on the facade of the building “Steconfer profits from the genocide ”.

A GNR source confirmed to Lusa that the authorities were called to the scene to take care of the incident, and no arrests were made, as the activists had already abandoned the company’s facilities.

In November, activists from the Collective for the Liberation of Palestine, Climáximo and Greve Climática Estudantil had already painted the facade of the same company’s offices in Lisbon red.

The group criticizes Steconfer’s projects in Israel, specifically the construction of a new railway line with 53 stations and new maintenance stations in Jerusalem.

The project “actively contributes to the normalization of the Zionist colonial state and to the continued annexation of Palestinian lands”, they say in a statement, adding that it is carried out “on land that international law itself considers occupied”.

In addition to Steconfer, activists also criticize the “more than 930 Portuguese companies exporting to Israel”, whom they call on to “stop consenting to the genocide taking place in Palestine”.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: ProPalestinian activists vandalized Portuguese company building railways Jerusalem News