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Paulo Raimundo says there is room for cooperation with former colonies – News

“There is a space for cooperation and there is a great availability of these countries for cooperation in several areas, on several fronts”, stated Paulo Raimundo, explaining that this was the message he heard from the presidents of the various presidents of the countries that participated, on Thursday on Friday, during the 25th of April celebrations.

Without clarifying whether or not he agrees with the position of the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, on the need for the Portuguese Government to move forward with historical reparation to the former colonies, the leader of the PCP stated that “there is a history that cannot be forgotten ” and that this “is a great demand that the Portuguese people and the people of the former colonies have for the truth and for future generations”.

From the speeches given by the heads of state of African countries, during the celebrations, Paulo Raimundo today highlighted “the fundamental question of the role of a common struggle”, between the people of the colonies and the metropolis, “for the liberation of the country, its countries and of our people of fascism.”

This is “the great element of unity” that the PCP leader believes is fundamental, at a time when “history cannot be forgotten”, but when, on the other hand, it is important to “look forward with the advantage of have on the part of these peoples, these States, every willingness to cooperate in the future”.

“There is a common unity, there is a common line of thought that the people of the colonies and the Portuguese people freed themselves from fascism”, he said, highlighting “the determining role of these people in the liberation from fascism”.

Paulo Raimundo was speaking in Peniche, in the district of Leiria, where today he was part of a PCP delegation that took part in the parade promoted by the Union of Portuguese Antifascist Resistants (URAP).

A march with hundreds of people to mark “an extraordinary date”, stated Paulo Raimundo, remembering that 50 years ago “the political prisoners who were here in this fort were released”.

Celebrating the “end of fascism, the end of prisons, the end of the hateful regime, the fascist and authoritarian regime”, the PCP leader ended the march at Forte de Peniche, which was “one of the greatest symbols” of the regime and where today the Museum of Resistance and Freedom was opened.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Paulo Raimundo room cooperation colonies News