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The healthy tartlet with aphrodisiac ingredients that you’ll want to make at home

Lack of libido is a problem that affects many women, despite being a taboo topic. This decrease in sexual desire can be related to numerous factors, from emotional problems, hormonal imbalance, excess alcohol and even some medication components. The good news is that there is a way to regain your sexual life — and appetite —. And the solution may even be in your home pantry, with aphrodisiac foods.

Among a long list, there are some tropical fruits, truffles, coffee and even spicy, as the most mentioned examples of these foods that increase desire. The term “aphrodisiac” refers to Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love, virility and beauty, owner of a strong power of seduction. Since ancient times, some spices have been used to stimulate sexual appetite. And this suggestion from nutritionist Mafalda Rodrigues de Almeida has everything to work.

We’re talking about a strawberry and banana tartlet. Don’t think it’s something simple and boring, as these are aphrodisiac foods, in addition to healthy ones, that make up this dish. There is fruit, but also honey, which is both part of the base of the recipe and can be used later as a topping.

The secret really lies in choosing the ingredients you want to put on top. Strawberries, rich in vitamin C, potassium and lycopene, are compounds that improve blood flow and stimulate lubrication and libido. Honey, there it is, is rich in B vitamins, necessary for the production of sexual hormones, increasing desire.

If you want to add a pinch of cinnamon, this spice has stimulating properties and improves blood circulation, causing increased sensitivity and pleasure. This recipe was designed for two tartlets, but you can always adapt it if you want more.

What do you need

For the tartlet

— 50 grams of oat flakes

— 10 grams of walnuts

— 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds

— 1 teaspoon of grated coconut

— 1 teaspoon of coconut oil

— 1 teaspoon of honey or agave

For the filling

— 1 ripe banana

— 6 strawberries

For topping (optional and to taste)

— Fresh fruit (red fruits, banana, strawberries)

– Chia seeds

— Honey

— Chocolate shavings

— Roasted almonds

How it’s done

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the oats, nuts, seeds and grated coconut in a food processor and grind until it forms a grainy flour texture. Add the honey and melted coconut oil and grind again. Grease two tartlet pans and line them with the oat mixture, marking the corners well.

Bake at 18 degrees for eight to ten minutes or until the edges start to brown. Let cool. Blend the banana and strawberries until they form a uniform puree. Fill the tartlets with the puree. Sprinkle with ingredients of your choice, such as red fruits, honey, chia seeds, toasted sliced ​​almonds or chocolate shavings.

While you’re here, click on the gallery and discover some suggestions for healthy and easy recipes to make at home.

The article is in Portuguese

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