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The questions sent by Villas-Boas to SAD Porto

Jornal de Notícias had access to the letter sent by André Villas-Boas to the blue and white SAD and, as we were able to ascertain, the leader of the “There is only one Porto” list has not yet received any response from the FC Porto administration.

The former coach of the main team questions, for example, the reason why Fernando Gomes, financial administrator of SAD, moved to UEFA, leaving open the possibility of FC Porto coming under the authority of the organization’s financial fair play that manages European football.

Discover the questions sent:

About Connect Capital: 1st Indication of the specific rights (eg invoices, revenues) transferred to Connect Capital? Does it exclusively respect the contract relating to Superbock and maturing in 2029? What income was obtained with that anticipated revenue of 14.5MM euros? What is the “all in” interest rate (base rate + spread + commissions + stamp duty) implicit in the contract?

About Sagasta 2: What is the additional income resulting from the anticipated revenue of 54.3MM referred to in the statement of February 9, 2024? What is the “all in” interest rate (base rate + spread + commissions + stamp duty) implicit in the contract? Did this cost also apply to revenues that were anticipated and not due in Operation Sagasta 1? What is the total amount currently deducted from the television rights contract with Altice? What is the short-term perspective (until the elections on April 27th) of bringing forward all revenue from the Altice contract?

About Quadrantis: Are any additional revenue anticipation operations in the preparation/completion phase? If so, do these operations have as counterparties funds managed by Quadrantis, in particular the Quadrantis Private Equity Fund?

About the reevaluation of Estádio do Dragão: What is the amount of operating revenue and operating costs considered for the purposes of revaluing the Stadium for the 22/23 financial year? What annual growth rates were considered in the assessment for the next 5 full years? What growth rate was considered in perpetuity? What is the remaining useful life of the Stadium and what are the additional annual amortizations resulting from the revaluation of the Stadium? Will the rent paid for the use of the Stadium by FC Porto SAD to EuroAntas increase? For what value? If this is not the case, how can it be justified that the revaluation of the asset is based on revenue that does not accrue to EuroAntas? What is the reason why the auditors did not allow the recognition of deferred tax assets in the transaction? Is it possible to have access to the evaluator and auditor reports relating to this operation?

About Porto Comercial 2: What assets will be transferred to Porto Comercial 2 and in what form? Assuming the year 22 / 23, for illustrative purposes, what amount of operating revenue and operating costs would be transferred to Porto Comercial 2 with this operation? What annual growth rates were considered for these revenues and costs for the next 5 full years? Of the value of the proceeds from the sale of the 30% stake in Porto Comercial 2, what amount should be reinvested in the modernization of the Stadium or is there already other purposes to which it must be allocated and, if so, which ones? What amount of dividends are expected to be paid to partners over the next 5 years and what growth rate of these dividends is expected from then on? Will FC Porto SAD have the option to purchase the 30% and, if so, under what conditions? Does the partner have the option to sell the 30% and, if so, under what conditions? What is the expected duration of the agreement? Will Porto Comercial 2 continue to be part of the Tax Group? Does the operation generate tax charges on SAD or on the companies it owns (eg, IMT, Stamp, VAT, IRC) and, if so, which ones and in what amount?

About UEFA: It was reported last week that the Administrator with financial responsibility for FC Porto SAD had moved to UEFA. Are the reasons for this shift related to non-compliance with financial Fair Play rules? On December 31, 2023, does SAD comply with the requirements imposed by the new UEFA regulations? If not, will you meet these requirements on March 31, 2024? What sanctions could UEFA impose on SAD?

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: questions VillasBoas SAD Porto