James Webb finds rocky planet with atmosphere outside the Solar System


O James Webb Space Telescope has provided a series of impressive and beautiful new photographs of the Universe that surrounds us, also serving to learn more about the galaxies in the vicinity of the Solar System.

A new study published in the journal Nature indicates that a group of researchers managed, using James Webb, to detect what could be the first rocky planet with an atmosphere outside the Solar System.

The exoplanet in question is called 55 Cancri and is 2.2 million kilometers away from the star it orbits, making it very unlikely that there is any form of life on the surface.

The investigation notes that the side of the planet facing the star has a less hot temperature than expected, with researchers theorizing that it may be the result of an atmosphere responsible for heat transfer. As for the existence of the atmosphere, the study suggests that it may result from gases coming from the planet’s interior.

“The primary atmosphere may have disappeared due to the star’s high temperature and intense radiation. This would be a secondary atmosphere that is continually replenished by the magma ocean. Magma is not just made up of crystals and liquid rock, there is also a lot of dissolved gas.”says one of the authors of the study from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Aaron Bello-Arufe.

Read Also: James Webb captures ‘Horsehead’ nebula in unprecedented detail

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: James Webb finds rocky planet atmosphere Solar System

