what to expect from the OpenAI news

what to expect from the OpenAI news
what to expect from the OpenAI news

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A OpenAI invited everyone to follow an announcement this Monday, the 13th, at 2 pm. There is a lot of speculation about what will come, but two bets caught the attention of analysts this weekend:

1) Voice Assistant: Many companies have been trying for a long time to develop a truly useful voice assistant. Siri, from Apple, Alexa, from Amazon and Cortana, from Microsoft, did not come close to this.

Now, it is expected that OpenAI will be able to launch a voice assistant that really fulfills the role expected by users. Many signs suggest that it will be a service that delivers:

Natural voice interaction: OpenAI could use improved speech recognition technology to understand natural language commands and questions more accurately and fluidly than existing voice assistants.

Advanced text generation: integration with GPT-4 language models could allow the voice assistant to generate more creative, informative and personalized responses, in addition to performing tasks such as writing emails, summarizing texts or creating scripts.

Enhanced Customization: The voice assistant could learn from the user’s preferences and habits to offer a more personalized experience, such as suggesting relevant actions, automatically adjusting settings, or providing contextual information.

Integration with other OpenAI products: The voice assistant could integrate with other OpenAI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E to offer a wider range of features like generating images, translating languages, or writing different types of creative content.

2) Search Engine: OpenAI, owner of ChatGPT, may announce its own search engine, competing directly with Google. The company’s search platform would be powered by AI algorithms.

The name of the service is kept under lock and key, but the announcement will be made strategically 1 day before Google’s biggest annual event, where the company’s news is presented.

OpenAI’s intention to advance on Google’s ground is obvious, after all the search engine is a huge generator of money. And in the last 20 years, no one has been able to challenge Google.

It’s not just OpenAI that is trying to enter this market. Due to artificial intelligence, many startups are venturing into this area. The highlight is Perplexity, valued at a few billion.

No one knows for sure what will be presented by the OpenAI but just the fact that the company had issued a call for an announcement was enough to get the market and analysts excited.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: expect OpenAI news

