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11 things I wish I knew when I started playing Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is one of the games of the moment, and for it is an RPG full of systems and mechanics that, due to their quantity, can scare those just starting out. However, discovery is something that is also part of its charm, and adds to the fantastic experience that Capcom has prepared for players.
To help, here we will explain some of the things that make it much easier to get started with fewer stumbles, so that your adventure can be smoother. Certain things that may seem of minor importance, over time may gain fundamental relevance, so don’t worry, because we are going to draw your attention to some.

How to see the time in-game

The day and night cycle plays a fundamental role in Dragon’s Dogma, not only in the behavior and type of creatures we encounter, but also in the quests. In this sense, it is important that we know the information within the game itself.

If at first glance something might go unnoticed, if you look carefully at the background image of the pause menu, you will see that there is a sun, and the position of that sun will change according to the time, rotating counter to the clock hands. This way, it’s easy to get a sense of time, and whether it’s getting close to dusk.

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Avoid the plague of pawns

You may not have to worry about this phenomenon in the initial phase of the game, and probably, if you are just starting out, you are completely unaware that there is a plague that can affect (and how) your pawns.

This plague could cause your pawns to become violent, and start attacking other NPCs, or worse, infecting other pawns in the party. And how do you know which pawns are infected? It’s easy, just look at our eyes when we enter the rift and we are choosing which one to recruit. If the eyes are red, it means they have the plague and should avoid recruiting it as much as possible.

Rotten food is useful

Some of the food that we collect throughout our adventure is essentially used to be cooked and benefit the player with buffs quite useful. It’s one of the almost essential rituals when setting up a camp, and something that makes all the difference against more powerful enemies.

And as you may have noticed, the better its condition, the greater the bonus it will provide. However, over time they rot, their quality falling drastically. Still, that doesn’t mean they lose their usefulness, because if you don’t know, you can combine them with other very common materials and create other items. And among these, Lantern Oilwhich can be created from meat, fish and harspud rotten.

Note: If you don’t want to have this job, you can leave it to your pawn, if you assign him the “Logistician” specialization, and he will automatically combine what is necessary to create Lantern Oilpotions and better quality food.

Use pawns to reach inaccessible places

In Dragon’s Dogma 2 we will come across several situations in which we are seeing a chest and have no way of getting to them. However, the solution can often be easier than it seems, since we have the pawn to help us (sort of).

Yes, it is possible to take one of the pawns our party (RT on Xbox Series and R2 on PlayStation 5) and throw them to where the chest is (RB on Xbox Series and R1 on PlayStation 5). You can immediately give the order (D-Pad up) and it will open the chest.

It will also be particularly useful for some doors that are closed, because if you have a way to throw him to the other side, then pressing the D-Pad down will try to come back to us and open the door.

Note: Additionally, if you have a mage at party with the skillLevitate”, they can use the command “Go!” (D-Pad up) and order it to reach a hard-to-reach place.

We can have our own house

Taking into account how rest is a central piece throughout the gameplay of Dragon’s Dogma 2, you can calculate how expensive it can become over time when we decide to rest in a Inn. For this reason, there is a quest secondary that becomes almost mandatory to do.

Eventually, as you stroll through the town of Vernworth, an NPC by the name of Mildred will approach you and make a request. We seem to be the most trustworthy people in town and Mildred wants us to guard her house for 7 days while she is gone.

At the end of that time, Mildred will come back and ask us if we want to buy the house for 20,000G, and, since each stay in a hostel costs 2,000G, it’s easy to do the math on how much we’ll save in the long run. Don’t worry, because if you don’t have that amount at the moment, you can always come back and pay later.

Note: There are two more houses available to buy. One also in Vermont, in the “Noble Quarters”, which costs 200,000G; and another at Bakbattahl, priced at 30,000. No quests are necessary, and just explore these areas a little and you will eventually be approached by the respective NPCs.

Don’t forget where you got the first Seeker Token

You Seeker Tokens These are collectables that we find and can then exchange for very interesting items. Each item requires a specific number of tokens, and we have 240 Seeker Tokens hidden throughout the map.

But they are also important for another reason, because west of Vernworth we can find the Mountain Shrine cave, in which a legendary creature named Sphinx lives. This creature will give us riddles to solve in exchange for rewards, and one of them is that we remember the place where we found the first Seeker Token.

The worst thing about this request is that we have 7 days to go to that location, which won’t give us much time to try different locations if we’re not sure if it’s the right one. So, if you are just starting out, take note of the location, because you will need it later.

The relationship between the inclinations and vocations of pawns

It is an aspect that is not given much importance, but it is a mistake, because it makes all the difference in battle, since the Inclinations are not just mere personality types that we choose for our main pawn.

They are, in fact, the stimuli that will determine their behavior in combat, which means that it will be a fundamental factor for them to perform their job well. Therefore, you should pay attention to choosing the right inclination for the vocation that you decide for your pawn.

For example, if you want a pawn to be more efficient as healer (Mage), its slope should be kindhearted, because your main concern will be keeping the party alive. In case of a pawn that has the function of tank (Fighter), it already depends on whether they want him to have a leadership position in the party (straightforward), or whether he will give us special attention, staying more by our side to protect us (kindhearted).

The best inclinations for the remaining vocations are:

Warrior – Straightforward

Sorcerer – Calm

Thief – Calm

Archer – Calm

If you wish to change the Inclinations of your pawns, you can do so in Grand Rifstone of Vermundin Vernworth.

Augmentations carry over from vocations

One of the best things about Dragon’s Dogma 2 is that we can change Vocation when we see fit. Now, as is predictable, every time we change our vocation, our skills also change. However, the Augments (the passive skills) remain, opening a window of possibilities.

Since we can equip 6 Augmentsthe higher we go rank of different vocations, but we will have plenty to choose from. There are many Augments available, and some of the ones that stand out the most are the endurance (Archer), which increases stamina; the Mettle (Fighter), which increases the Physical Defense: The Apotropaism (Archer), which increases the Magic Defense; Or the Vitality (Warrior), which increases HP.

They are just one of many, but you already have an idea of ​​what you can combine to make the best build possible for each vocation.

Gems have different values ​​depending on the region

Gems are one of the many items that we will be able to collect during our journey in Dragon’s Dogma 2. And unlike almost all the others, their usefulness lies only in being able to sell them for a good amount of Gold.

However, there is one important thing that you should take into account, because it may go unnoticed that their value increases or decreases depending on the region where they are sold. It’s a matter of the law of supply and demand, so be sure to make the most of the price you can get for them.

They can be sold at any vendor, and in Vermont they offer more for Onyx; Tiger Eyes have a greater value in the Elven Lands; and in Battahal is where they pay best for Jasper. This way, they save the gems for when they reach these locations, and make Gold more easily.

Get better relationships with NPC’s

The relationships we establish with some NPC’s is one of the most special aspects in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Not only with the pawnsbut with countless other characters that we meet along the way.

But this is more important than it seems, and that is why we can improve these relationships by taking advantage of the gifts that exists in the game. During the conversations we have with NPCs, you should notice if there is the option to “Give gift“, since depending on the situation, you will be able to unlock new interactions, dialogues, romance options, or even gifts that will be left on your doorstep (if you have one).

But there is a trick, because each NPC has their preferences, and if some prefer flowers, others can be more easily seduced with gems or other items. To find out what you might like, just go to the Pause Menu, then History and finally NPC Logbook, and you will be able to see the profiles of all the NPCs you have already encountered.

Size matters

When we are in Character Creator, height is one of many options that will be available. However, it is not just an aesthetic choice, because it will influence many gameplay factors, which you should take into account when creating both your protagonist and the pawn.

A smaller stature will facilitate recovery stamina, while longer legs will provide greater speed when running. Also the size of the arms will influence their reach when vocations are more focused on the meleein addition to the fact that the larger the size, the more weight it can support, which is particularly useful for pawns. These are details that you should consider, because even that will be important to maximize the build.

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