Virgo sign prediction for today, May 4th – Zoeira

Virgo sign prediction for today, May 4th – Zoeira
Virgo sign prediction for today, May 4th – Zoeira

The Moon remains in the sign of Pisces and will interact with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. Saturday can be strategic. Review all areas of your life and find innovative solutions to the most challenging issues. And at the end of the day the Moon arrives in Aries, the wheel turns and we start all over again. Take advantage of the enthusiasm of the day and get your hands dirty. It’s an alchemical Saturday, a day of lots of fire and water. Immerse yourself in the mystery and open yourself to new perspectives and opportunities. Important movements are approaching.

Virgo sign today

It’s time to celebrate your achievements, even if they haven’t happened yet. Get involved with your work or romantic partners, giving and receiving in equal parts. You are beginning a phase of greater unity and cooperation with your partner. For singles, Saturday can bring new people.

*Julianna Formiga is an astrologer, path therapist, teacher and journalist. She attends and teaches courses, lectures and self-knowledge games for companies and schools. Master in Media Semiotics and Reiki, in addition to being a Holistic Therapist, she developed the Cartography of the Soul with the aim of guiding the paths of those seeking to align their being and doing in the world.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Virgo sign prediction today #4th Zoeira

