PF arrests two more people accused of the murder of Marielle Franco


This Thursday (9), the Federal Police (PF) served two preventive arrest warrants against those accused of participating in the murders of councilor Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes. The warrants were issued by the Federal Supreme Court (STF), at the request of the Attorney General’s Office.

One of the warrants was carried out at the federal prison in Campo Grande, where one of the targets is being held. The other was fulfilled in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The names of the accused were not disclosed by the PF or the STF, which informed that the process is confidential.

The homicide investigations, which were initiated by the Civil Police and are currently also being carried out by the PF, have already resulted in the arrest of two accused of carrying out the murders, former police officers Ronnie Lessa and Élcio Queiróz, of those accused of planning the crime, the brothers Domingos and Chiquinho Brazão, and Civil Police Chief Rivaldo Barbosa who, according to investigations, had tried to ensure that the brothers went unpunished.

Firefighter Maxwell Simões Corrêa had also been arrested, accused of helping to destroy evidence of the crime. (Brazil Agency)

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: arrests people accused murder Marielle Franco

