Pregnant woman who gave birth 21 days after brain death and donated organs is veiled in Aracaju | Sergipe

Pregnant woman who gave birth 21 days after brain death and donated organs is veiled in Aracaju | Sergipe
Pregnant woman who gave birth 21 days after brain death and donated organs is veiled in Aracaju | Sergipe

1 of 2 Kauane Ludmilla – Pregnant woman who gave birth 21 days after brain death and donated organs is veiled in Aracaju — Photo: Personal archive
Kauane Ludmilla – Pregnant woman who gave birth 21 days after brain death and donated organs is veiled in Aracaju — Photo: Personal archive

The body of Kauane Ludmilla Dionísio Santos, aged 20, was buried in Aracaju, who was diagnosed with brain death in April, after being shot in the head in Bairro Lamarão, in Aracaju, and was delivered last Wednesday (8 ). Her organs were also donated. According to the Sergipe Health Department, the procedures performed are rare: it was the first in the state, sixth in Brazil and 36th in the world.

The body was laid to rest in a funeral home in the capital and buried in the São João Batista Cemetery. She left three children.

Pregnant woman with brain death has a birth in the ED

The woman was admitted to the Sergipe Emergency Hospital (Huse), on April 17, with a skull injury. On the 22nd, brain death was confirmed. Doctors made efforts for 21 days, through hemodynamic maintenance with devices and medication, as well as pressure and temperature control, to maintain the patient’s vital signs, thus ensuring that the 22-week-old fetus remained alive in the mother’s belly. mother until birth was possible.

The birth was scheduled to take place this Thursday (9), but the patient showed changes in the ultrasound exams and the Huse medical team decided to bring forward the procedure. The birth took place at the Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Maternity Hospital, a state reference for high-risk births.

The girl was born prematurely, 26 weeks, by cesarean section, weighing 580 grams and was taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Despite the prematurity, there was no dysfunction and she is stable. According to the family, she is being called Maria Victoria.

2 of 2 Baby and medical team — Photo: Flávia Pacheco/SES
Baby and medical team — Photo: Flávia Pacheco/SES

The family authorized the donation of the patient’s organs and kidneys, liver and corneas were collected. In addition to Aracaju, the bodies were also destined for the states of Pernambuco and Ceará.

“We made the organs available to the National Transplant Center and the liver was accepted for Pernambuco. So, the Brazilian Air Force provided an aircraft to take this liver to Recife. As for the kidneys, after preparing the logistics, it will be possible to send the left kidney to Ceará and the right kidney also to Pernambuco. The corneas will be transplanted right here in Aracaju”, informed the coordinator of the Sergipe Organ Transplant Center, Benito Fernandez.

The woman and two men were shot in Bairro Lamarão, on April 17, by an armed duo. One of the men was the girl’s father and died around 15 days later, in Huse. The other man was discharged and is doing well.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Pregnant woman gave birth days brain death donated organs veiled Aracaju Sergipe

