Body camera records PM shooting and killing suspected PCC suspect – News

Body camera records PM shooting and killing suspected PCC suspect – News
Body camera records PM shooting and killing suspected PCC suspect – News

A military police officer’s body camera recorded the moment he shot and killed a man accused of being a member of the PCC criminal faction. The case happened during an operation in Jardim Paulistano, north of São Paulo, this Wednesday (8).

According to information from the Public Security Secretariat (SSP), police officers from the 18th battalion Tactical Force were investigating a report of drug trafficking in an alley on Rua dos Coqueiros.

The incident report says that the agents saw a man in a suspicious attitude carrying a backpack, who, upon noticing the presence of the team, ran into the community.

The police tried to approach him, but he managed to escape. Then they approached another person. At this moment, according to the police report, a third man came down the alley carrying a 38 caliber revolver with the number shaved off, containing 6 intact ammunition. One of the soldiers fired 11 shots and another fired another “to stop the imminent risk”.

The suspect was taken to Taipas General Hospital, but did not survive.

The SSP reported that he was later identified as Venâncio Vieira dos Santos Neto, a member of the PCC who had been on the run since January this year from the prison system, where he was supposed to serve a sentence for robbery until 2042.

All weapons involved in the incident were seized and sent to forensics, as well as the suspect’s bag.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Body camera records shooting killing suspected PCC suspect News

