New Taipei police arrest suspect in triple death case

New Taipei police arrest suspect in triple death case
New Taipei police arrest suspect in triple death case

New Taipei, May 12 (CNA) A prime suspect in a suspected triple homicide was apprehended in Taichung Sunday after three members of a family spanning three generations were found dead and wrapped in blankets in their residence in Sanchong District, New Taipei on Saturday night, according to police.

The dead were identified as a 69-year-old woman, surnamed Liu (劉), her 30-year-old second daughter, surnamed Chen (陳) and 3-year-old grandson. They all lived in an upscale residence along with Chen’s 24-year-old husband, surnamed Chang (張), according to police of Sanchong Precinct.

Chang, who police have identified as the first suspect in the case, apparently left the residence and fled to Taichung after the incident. He was brought back to the precinct after police found him at a rented address in Taichung at 11:10 am Sunday.

The case came to light after a woman identified as Liu’s eldest daughter said she was unable to contact her mother for several days and when she went to her residence on Saturday afternoon, there was a foul smell coming from the apartment, prompting her to report the matter to the local police precinct.

A locksmith was called to open the door of the upscale residence and three bodies were discovered wrapped in separate blankets on the same bed. The three were determined to have been dead for some time, according to police.

Police said that on entering the apartment, they found the door of the bedroom locked, but there were no visible wounds on the bodies and no signs of a struggle at the scene.

On Sunday morning, forensic experts conducted an examination of the bodies and found no evident external injuries. Autopsies will be conducted to determine cause of deaths, police added.

Police said the investigation into the crime and a possible motive is ongoing.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Taipei police arrest suspect triple death case

