Moments of confused killer dumping man’s body in Sarong, south Tangerang

Moments of confused killer dumping man’s body in Sarong, south Tangerang
Moments of confused killer dumping man’s body in Sarong, south Tangerang

South Tangerang – A man with the initials AH, whose body was found wrapped in a sarong in the Macadam Housing Complex, Pamulang, South Tangerang or Tangsel city, was killed in a shop in Madura.

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It turned out that the person who murdered this man in South Tangerang, the victim’s cousin, was wrapped in a sarong.

The Madurai Sacrifice Shop is located in Dukuh Village, Siputat, South Tangerang. After being killed, the criminal with the initials FA left the body in the place where the victim’s body was found. Deputy Commissioner of Police Titus Yudho Uli was informed about this by the head of the mobile investigation sub-directorate of the Polda Metro Jaya Criminal Investigation Department.

Image of police officers evacuating the body.

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The body wrapped in a sarong was found to belong to a shop owner in Tangsel, Madura.

“That’s right, so the victim was killed in his store and taken by the criminal to the dump,” he said on Monday, May 13, 2024.

The bloody incident took place on Friday, May 10, 2024. The victim was killed by the perpetrator, his cousin, at around 16:00 WIB. Then, at 21:00 WIB, the victim’s body was abandoned by the criminal.

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Police have arrested a suspect in the murder of a man whose body was wrapped in a sarong in Tangerang South.

“We were using a motorcycle, so we wrapped it in a sarong and then put it in a bag. We took it on a motorcycle, the victim’s motorcycle.”

Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Head of Crime and Criminal Investigation Sub-Directorate Titus Yudho Ulli

After the investigation, Titus said, it was determined that the perpetrator did not immediately dispose of the victim’s body at the location where the body was found. The criminal had time to wander around in search of a suitable location.

“If you draw a straight line, it is almost 20 minutes (distance from the place where the body was found and the victim’s shop in Madurai). But the criminal stayed there for about an hour because he was looking for a dark place. , even then he didn’t know his place.

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After the investigation, Titus said, it was determined that the perpetrator did not immediately dispose of the victim’s body at the location where the body was found. The criminal had time to wander around in search of a suitable location.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Moments confused killer dumping mans body Sarong south Tangerang

