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Today’s BBB 24 Summary: party has Bin Laden revelation, kiss between sisters and Davi worried about allies | summary

Fernanda and Pitel give a kiss during Lexa’s show at the BBB 24 Party

Sextou on BBB 24! The party, which began with the Duda Beat and Lexa shows, it was quite lively. The brothers ended up on the dance floor and even left their rivalry behind. I mean, more or less, since they had a dance battle inspired by the movie “The White Girls”. Furthermore, there was also another peck between Fernanda and Pitel.

But, even when it’s a party day, the brothers can’t forget the game. MC Bin Laden had a long conversation with Fernanda and let everything he was feeling out. The brother complained about the jokes people play on him around the house and about not being able to get close to some people without being judged. Furthermore, he revealed a strategy that he has used since the beginning of the program to avoid going to Paredão.

After the outburst, the MC decided to talk to Alane, revealing that he really likes his sister despite not playing together. However, the one who didn’t like this very much was Davi, who saw it as a rival strategy to get information from the dancer. The Bahian made a point of warning the dancer and also complained to Isabelle, who told him to relax a little — leaving his brother more angry.

Look, there was no shortage of conversation in the early hours of this Saturday (16th). Did you miss something? Click here for the summary gshow to find out all the fuss.

1 of 1 Party at BBB 24 has MC Bin Laden revealing strategy, a kiss between Pitel and Fernanda, and Davi worried — Photo: Globo
Party at BBB 24 has MC Bin Laden revealing strategy, a kiss between Pitel and Fernanda, and Davi worried — Photo: Globo
  • Giovanna had to place five brothers in Na Mira do Líder and chose: Alane, Matteus, Davi, Beatriz and MC Bin Laden;
  • Having put the funk singer as a target surprised some of the house, as the duo had an affair;
  • For Leidy Elin, Camarote thinks it was Buddha who made Giovanna’s head to indicate him;
  • Lucas denied that Bin could be thinking this and revealed that he had spoken to his brother about the matter;

Leidy Elin reveals MC Bin Laden’s distrust of her brother: ‘Thinking he made up his mind’

Brothers comment on MC Bin Laden and Giovanna’s relationship on BBB 24: ‘He’s proud’

  • In conversation with Alane, Davi also commented on Giovanna’s choice to include MC Bin Laden;
  • However, the dancer thinks that her brother is not at risk of being put in the spotlight by the Leader.

“She made it very clear that she wasn’t going to nominate him, that she only burned a bracelet, but she put it on him. Like it or not, they basically dated,” he said.

BBB 24: Davi and Alane give their opinion on who will be nominated directly for Paredão

Giovanna vents about choosing MC Bin Laden as the Leader’s target: ‘Don’t look at my face’

MC Bin Laden about Giovanna on BBB 24: ‘I realized I was going to become her target’

‘I want to be with her’, says MC Bin Laden on BBB 24

  • However, he regretted the statement soon after.

“I wasn’t supposed to say it, I wasn’t supposed to admit it because the whole of Brazil will now know”, said the MC to Buda.

MC Bin Laden vents to Lucas Henrique on BBB 24

  • In conversation with Fernanda in the Gnome Room, MC Bin Laden says that Giovanna was soapy by targeting him and not Isabelle;
  • The sister defended the girl from Minas Gerais, stating that, first and foremost, the two are friends.

Fernanda talks about friendship between sisters, and MC Bin Laden responds

  • The debate continued at Gnome, and Bin Laden explained that he cannot have a friendship beyond the game, which is why he is judged;
  • “They declare that it is friendship. You declare from the beginning that it is not friendship, it is a game”, replied Fernanda;
  • Still during the conversation, the sister recalled the discomfort that was created when Bin approached Alane;

Fernanda and MC Bin Laden discuss gambling on BBB 24

Fernanda recalls closeness with her brother: ‘They were in charge of our voting command’

  • Buddha advised the ally to say that he does not like jokes;
  • Bin, however, said he is tired and warned:

“The rule is clear, no malice, I’m already tired. I’m going to Paredão, I’m going to ask to leave, I’m going to ask to put it on and you can be happy.”

‘I’m already tired’, says MC Bin Laden on BBB 24

“I trust, but it doesn’t cancel out my jealousy, but now I understand that it hurts you. Regardless of jealousy, I’m a 33-year-old person who’s in a game with a lot of kids,” declared the model.

MC Bin Laden and Fernanda talk about trust on BBB 24

  • Finally, MC Bin Laden revealed that he has been using a strategy to not be voted on since the beginning of the program;
  • The funk singer told Fernanda that he approaches people and says nice things, which they like to talk about or listen to. The brother, however, said he cannot do the same with Giovanna.

“You offer what the person wants: ego”, Fernanda pointed out.

MC Bin Laden reveals ‘strategy’ in BBB 24 that he cannot use with Giovanna

Fernanda observes a duo that hasn’t yet been to Paredão on BBB 24: ‘I think it’s absurd’

  • Fernanda also accused Bin of playing the victim.

“Why do you want to play the victim so much if you never fall? You never fall. And I don’t think it’s a big game. It’s luck”, he said.

Fernanda and Pitel talk about Paredão on BBB 24

Davi disapproves of Alane’s attitude towards Bin Laden

“It wasn’t love? It turned to hate so quickly”, joked the dancer.

Alane comments on ‘scare’ with MC Bin Laden entering the BBB 24 Leader’s Crosshairs

MC Bin Laden says he has to stay away from his sister on BBB 24: ‘The game demands it’

MC Bin Laden’s rapprochement with Alane is a topic between brothers at the party

  • David was also the one who didn’t like this approach at all;
  • The brother accused Camarote of approaching Alane to gather information;

Davi says his brother is approaching ‘to gather information for his group’

  • The Bahian believes that it was Giovanna’s strategy to put the bracelet on Bin Laden so that they, from Fada, would think that the other group was not playing together.

“This is all a setup, their game strategy to get something. He goes to the weakest points. Look where he sat: behind the sofa so no one could see him talking, him talking to Alane, he brings up a topic and there he goes. Alane , slow, it’s joining the conversation”, said Davi.

Matteus and Davi comment on Alane’s closeness to his brother

“I never talked about the game with Bin. The only thing we were talking about was that, even though we are from different groups and if we vote, we talk.”

‘Are you talking about games with Bin?’, asks Davi to Alane on BBB 24

  • Davi also complained to Isabelle about Alane’s attitude, who replied: “But let the girl talk to whoever she wants to talk to, Davi. You can’t want to control her friendships”;

Isabelle to Davi on BBB 24: ‘Let the girl talk to whoever she wants’

“I talk to you about things and it seems like you are sleeping in the game. This is a game. People came here to win, they are here after the prize”, declared Davi.

Davi tells Isabelle on BBB 24: ‘It looks like you’re sleeping in the game’

But it wasn’t all a game. Brothers really enjoyed the party

  • The early morning show gave a lot to talk about, with performances by Duda Beat and Lexa;

The BBB 24 Party begins with shows by Lexa and Duda Beat

During a show at BBB 24, Lexa says: ‘In this house that caused me so many emotions’

Brothers star in hip-hop battle and excite BBB 24 Party

  • And Fernanda and Pitel repeated the little kiss they gave at the beginning of the program;
  • The couple was even shipped: ‘Pitanda’

Fernanda and Pitel give a kiss during Lexa’s show at the BBB 24 Party

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Todays BBB Summary party Bin Laden revelation kiss sisters Davi worried allies summary

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