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French press reports arrests of alleged perpetrators of Marielle Franco’s murder

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RFI The arrest of the alleged perpetrators of the murder of councilor Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes has repercussions in the French press. The newspaper Le Monde highlights statements by Marinete da Silva, Marielle’s mother, about the involvement of police chief Rivaldo Barbosa, former head of the Rio Civil Police, one of those arrested, whose role in obstructing the investigations surprised the Franco family.

The words of former federal deputy Marcelo Freixo, current president of Embratur, also caught the newspaper’s attention. “The CVs of the three defendants say a lot about the collapse of a supposedly ‘wonderful’ city, where armed militias made up of former police officers reign, where the mafia and public power merge,” declared Freixo, who was close to Marielle . “This investigation is essential for us to understand the extent of the abyss into which Rio fell”, commented the current president of Embratur.


Le Monde explains that the investigations advanced after the election of President Lula, but that deputy Chiquinho Brazão, from the União Brasil party, kept his diplomatic passport during the investigations in which the Federal Police already had evidence that he and his brother were the perpetrators of the crime. “We are closer to justice” but “there is still a long way to go”, highlighted minister Anielle Franco, adds Le Monde.

The daily Le Figaro highlights a statement by the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Ricardo Lewandowski. At a press conference, he said that the investigation “is complete”, although new elements may emerge. Lewandowski insisted that the murder of Marielle and her driver was “a heinous crime, clearly political in nature”.


The former PSOL councilor was opposed to the Brazão brothers militia group, who intended to regularize land for commercial purposes in the west zone of Rio, while she encouraged the social use of these areas, explains the French newspaper based on statements by the Brazilian Minister of Justice .

Le Figaro adds that “militias made up of former police officers, retired military personnel, firefighters and others emerged around 40 years ago to defend themselves against drug gangs.”

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