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Marielle case, in addition to the stupidity of the murder, the official rot

It has always been said among journalists that when the police go all out to solve a case, they solve it. And so, in the case of the murder of Rio councilor Marielle Franco, an intriguing question remained: why were the killers in hand, but not the masterminds?

The answer, we now see, is one stupidity on top of another, because one of the people in charge was simply the police chief (Rivaldo Barbosa) who was in charge of investigating the case. From the point of view of corruption, it is a diabolical pearl, something never seen in recent history.

If we take into account that according to political science the three most sublime roles of the state, in order, are security, health and education. it is possible to measure the size of the aberration, a murder, the worst of crimes, committed by those who won the State to prevent them.

Impunity — The CV of the others accused of being the masterminds is also surprising. Chiquinho Brazão, the federal deputy, was a Rio councilor for 12 years, a colleague of Marielle’s and still says he got along well with her. If character is the face of the soul, as they say, here is the typical example of a bad person.

The other, his brother, Domingos Brazão, councilor in Rio, served five terms as state deputy between 1999 and 2015, when he went to TCE-RJ, despite a long history of cases accused of corruption.

In both cases, the certainty of impunity. One, federal deputy even after the murder. Another, already a counselor, and principal. In terms of bad examples, Rio de Janeiro sets and leaves.

Eduardo Salles, about Coelba and ViaBahia: ‘We want to disturb’

President of the Assembly’s Infrastructure Committee, which is asking for the installation of two CPIs, one to investigate Coelba and the other against ViaBahia, deputy Eduardo Salles (PP) says he doesn’t care about critics like federal deputy João Carlos Paolilo Bacelar (PL), which says such initiatives are ‘harmless’.

— What we want is to disturb, make noise, show that the people of Bahia are being harmed.

Bacelar’s criticism occurs because Coelba and ViaBahia have federal connections in their contracts and in this context, Alba would not have authority over the companies.

— Coelba wins everything in court. We were even denied the right to demonstrate at the Candeias tollbooth. But they will not take away our right to always protest.

Eduardo’s thinking is a consensus at Alba.

Leandro connects PT to Marielle

Ostensibly a Bolsonar supporter, deputy Leandro de Jesus (PL) entered the Assembly with a photo from the time that TRE-RJ advisor, Domingos Brazão, was a state deputy and supported the PT (read Dilma in 2014), with a complete conclusion from him:

— The question about who killed Marielle is answered. It came from the PT nest.

Some who watched the scene said they were perplexed. They thought he exaggerated.

In Itagibá, the floods even left a positive side

Of course, floods cause all kinds of problems, sometimes even the worst, killing people, but not everything is bad for everyone. Marcos Oliveira Souza, a physiotherapist, known in Itagibá, in the Ipiaú region, displays photos of robust tilapia fished in the Gongogi River, one of the four that bathes the municipality.

— The excess water was disruptive, it is true, but it was also a good result for the fishermen.

And right now, in Holy Week. Dr. Massage emphasizes that the fishermen’s joy is now a lesser evil. The fish they catch in the Gongogi and Rio de Contas rivers are escapees from breeder tanks, which escaped with the floods.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Marielle case addition stupidity murder official rot

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