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Shop that sells golden tea is a hit among Brazilian tourists

‘Domingo Espetacular’ went to Dubai to learn about the trade that has won over Brazilians.

Dubai, known for its extravagance and riches, has been the dream destination for many Brazilian tourists looking for unique experiences. Among the various attractions that won over visitors, one store in particular has stood out. Yousef Esmati’s shop offers rare and exotic products, including the famous golden tea.

The program ‘Domingo Espetacular’ went to Dubai to get up close and personal with the commerce that has enchanted Brazilian tourists. Yousef, an Iranian fluent in Portuguese and six other languages, welcomes visitors with a smile and unparalleled hospitality.

“I have three stores, but this one is really to welcome Brazilian customers,” said Yousef, highlighting the importance of tourists from Brazil for his business. The products offered range from spices to golden tea, which has caught the attention of visitors.

Made with a mixture of pineapple, strawberries, vanilla and gold leaf, golden tea has been a hit among Brazilians. “It’s good for making tea or a gin tonic”, commented Yousef about the versatility of the product.

Despite the high price, which reaches almost 251 euros per kilo, golden tea has been one of the most sought after products in the store. For those looking for something even more exclusive, Yousef offers other delicacies such as red saffron, which can cost 3766 euros per kilo.

In addition to the products, Brazilian tourists are also attracted by Yousef’s friendliness and hospitality.

Sunday Spectacular – Sundays, 01:00 (Lisbon/London time).

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Shop sells golden tea hit among Brazilian tourists