Portugal Posts English

How far apart should the triangle be placed?

The triangle is used to signal a breakdown or if your vehicle is involved in an accident and has to be stopped on the road. How far apart should the triangle be placed?


According to article 88 of the Highway Code “vehicles must be equipped with a warning sign of danger [triângulo] and a vest, both retro-reflective and of an officially approved model.” This obligation applies to “all vehicles in circulation, except those with only two or three wheels, motor cultivators and quadricycles without boxes”.

In the event of an accident or breakdown, if you do not have the triangle and reflective vest in your vehicle or if the ones you do have are not approved models, you may incur two administrative offense notices, with fines that can range from €60 to €300 for each infraction, respectively.

How far apart should the triangle be placed?

Also according to article 88 of the Highway Code, the sign must be placed perpendicular to the pavement and the axis of the carriageway.at a distance of no less than 30 m from the rear of the vehicle or load to signal and in such a way that it is clearly visible from a distance of at least 100 m, with special attention being paid in places with reduced visibility.

It should also be noted that if you do not wear your vest when placing the triangle you may also be fined between €120 and €600. The lack of a triangle to signal a vehicle immobilized on the road may result in a fine of between €120 and €600.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: triangle