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Villas-Boas: “There has been a great movement of support that gives me strength. Only today will I know the reality”

After voting in what will probably be the most competitive elections in FC Porto’s history, André Villas-Boas revealed that he is confident and admitted that, if he wins, he will return to Estádio do Dragão.

“I am confident because I have been measuring the pulse of the entire associative mass as I walked through the North region, the country and the islands”, he began by saying in the area. “There has been a huge movement of support that gives me strength. Only today will I know the reality of this force and whether it materializes in a vote.”

And he continued: “Attendance is massive among fans and members. It is an obvious sign of vitality and demonstration of strength, in line with what we had said about them being the most voted ever. At this time, the 2020 values ​​have already been exceeded, so gradually, as the hours pass, the values ​​of 88 will be exceeded.”

The former coach once again referred to the voter turnout, “an important sign of vitality for FC Porto”, also indicating that it seems to him that everything is proceeding normally.

“We are going to wait for the results during the campaign”, he also informed. We have a fan zone where people can spend a few hours. Our intention is to give a final speech there after the results and then, in case of victory, come here for the Dragão, to the area assigned to us.”

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: VillasBoas great movement support strength today reality