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Driver advances and causes accident at CIC; car passenger was injured

A woman was injured after an accident between two cars at the intersection of Avenida Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira and Rua Eduardo Sprada, in Cidade Industrial de Curitiba (CIC), this Saturday morning (27). The report from one of the drivers is that the other went ahead.

Photo: Cristiano Vaz/Banda B. / Banda B

The accident involved a Fox and a Bonanza pickup truck. After crashing, the Fox was thrown onto the side of the road. The victim was the passenger in the Fox.

One of the drivers told the firefighters what caused the accident, but Lieutenant Alves, who responded, preferred not to go into details.

“The driver’s report is that one of the vehicles would not have given way to the other and would have caused this side collision”

said Lieutenant Alves, from the fire department.

Photo: Cristiano Vaz/Banda B. / Banda B

Siate rescuers and even the doctor were called to assist the Fox passenger. This was because there was information that she had serious injuries.

“During the incident, it was reported that there was a victim trapped in the vehicles, but she was only trapped, she had not come out as a precaution, due to pain. Even though the trauma mechanism was very violent, the victim had no apparent serious injury, but go to the hospital for evaluation”

detailed the fire lieutenant.

The woman was taken to the hospital, without apparent risk, as described by the firefighter. A team from the Military Police Traffic Battalion (BPTran) registered a police report and was responsible for finding out who actually pierced the right of way.

Photo: Cristiano Vaz/Banda B. / Banda B

Driver advances and causes accident at CIC; car passenger was injured was first published in Banda B.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Driver advances accident CIC car passenger injured