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‘To be rich you need to have at least 6 sources of income. I’m giving you 11’: learn how to access a strategy to live off passive income

Have you ever stopped in your life to think that it is possible to receive recurring income without having to work longer to do so?

I know, for most Brazilians this idea may seem like just a dream far from reality.

However, what few people know is that apart from income obtained through work, there are at least 11 other ways to seek passive income every month.

Calm down, I’ll explain.

Recently, the Empiricus Researchthe largest independent financial analysis house in the country, decided to launch the “Income Project”.

This is a mentoring program that seeks to teach how any interested Brazilian can obtain a passive income from investments. And the best: starting with little money.

“Someone said that, for you to be a truly rich person, you need to have at least 6 different sources of income. I’m giving you 11“.

The above paragraph is an excerpt from the speech of Felipe Miranda, co-CEO of Empiricus Researchabout the possibility of increasing the monthly income of any interested Brazilian through sources of income focused on passive income generation.

Miranda is the one who heads the Income Project, alongside him are the analysts Matheus Spiess and Larissa Quaresma.

Besides the expertise from the team of analysts, the investment strategy also has three short, medium and long-term goals:

  • The first extra income in the investor’s hands within 30 days;
  • The first R$2,000 of extra recurring income in the account;
  • ER$ 10 thousand falling into the account monthly, for the rest of your life, in the long term.

It is worth mentioning that one of the differentiators of mentoring is the sources of income “less traditional” that will be revealed during preparation. That is, those sources best known for a restricted universe of investors.

And, believe me, when Miranda says that it is possible to look for passive income in the financial market, he is not saying this for nothing. This is because many investors have already made profits by following the recommendations of Empiricus Research analysts.

One of these examples is the case of investor Giovanni, who, in his statement to the analysis house, said:

“I wanted to say that, with less than 2 thousand reais, I’m already managing to have onepassive income of 50 reais daily and with this money I am able to invest in my son’s future.”

In addition to Giovanni, other investors have also managed to win:

  • R$543 reais in less than a month;
  • R$660 reais in 15 days;
  • R$4 thousand reais in less than 30 days;

Of course, past returns are no guarantee of future returns, but reports like these show that it is possible to seek passive income through financial investments.

Pre-register for ‘Projeto Renda’ and be notified on launch day

If you are interested in accessing the Income Project, I have a good news for you.

Next Monday, the day April 29, the analysis house will release details about the strategy. To be notified on launch day, simply place your order. pre-register here or click the button below.

As soon as you register, you will receive an email with more information about Projeto Renda.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: rich sources income giving learn access strategy live passive income