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Paolla Oliveira catches Diogo Nogueira by surprise and the singer gets emotional: ‘A speck fell in my eye’

Paolla Oliveira and Diogo Nogueira – Reproduction/Instagram

Paola Oliveira celebrated Diogo Nogueira’s birthday last Friday (26). The singer turned 43 years old and received a surprise from his beloved on social media. Through a compilation containing photos and videos of the couple, the actress showed a little of their intimacy and declared herself to her lover, generating his reaction.

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In his Stories, Diogo showed that he was emotional when sharing the post. “Wow, a speck fell in my eye! Thanks! I love you girl!”, he declared. Previously, Paolla had congratulated her partner on another year of life. “Congratulations with all my love, Diogo Nogueira. Save your life, the paths, the moments and the new achievements. 26.04.2024”, he wrote.

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Diogo Nogueira is moved by Paolla Oliveira’s tribute – Reproduction/Instagram

Diogo Nogueira had already declared himself to Paolla Oliveira

On Paolla Oliveira’s birthday, Diogo Nogueira had also declared himself, highlighting that the actress was living a new cycle full of wonderful things and lots of new things.

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“Another cycle closes for a new one to enter with lots of news and wonderful things. I am immensely proud to be part of all of this. I just want to be by your side, being your eternal boyfriend, your best friend and always toasting all our moments and especially this one! Congratulations! I love you”said the artist.

Both have been together since 2021 and started living together in 2023, making the relationship even more serious. Paolla was interviewed by reporter Ana Carolina Raimundi during “Fantástico” and spoke about the criticism regarding her body.

“You imagine, dressing me up, thinking I’m beautiful, making a wonderful outfit, and you go to the rehearsal. I arrive at the rehearsal, you are gongada, you are massacred, criticized, you don’t want to come back”, he said at the time. Despite this, the star shone during Carnival, receiving countless compliments from her fans and followers.

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Tags: Paolla Oliveira catches Diogo Nogueira surprise singer emotional speck fell eye