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the true story of crime

Lies, vague answers and inconsistent reports begin to appear in the couple’s versions to the police, leading authorities to suspect that that family, which seemed perfect in everyone’s eyes, might be hiding something – to the point of killing their own daughter. Asunta was an intelligent and well-behaved girl, who received a good school education and participated in various extracurricular activities on a daily basis.

Over six episodes, the Spanish series follows the investigation of police officers Cristina Cruces (María León) and Javier Ríos (Carlos Blanco) and shows the media coverage of the trial that shook the country.

What happened to Asunta?

Alfonso and Rosario were accused of sedating and asphyxiating Asunta to death. In 2015, they were sentenced to 18 years in prison by the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia. Investigations concluded that, on the day of her death, Alfonso had given the girl a “toxic dose” of 27 tablets of lorazepam, an anxiolytic. She had already been drugged by her parents for months – witnesses confirmed that she even appeared dizzy in class. After being sedated, Asunta was asphyxiated by Rosario. The woman then took the body to the place where it was found hours later.

Alfonso and Rosario always denied the crime and their motivations for carrying it out were never clear. Part of the proposal for the Netflix miniseries is also to speculate on the reasons for the tragedy. Ramón Campos, one of the reporters who most investigated the crime, is one of the producers.

Where are Rosario Porto and Alfonso Basterra today?

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: true story crime