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Your sign prediction for today (04/27/2024)

ARIES (21 March to 19 April)

This day will be much more productive if you leave individuality aside. Concerns about your career and dedication to work will absorb a large part of your day. Be careful not to sacrifice your romantic life for your career. Self-criticism will be of great help. Your number for today is 70. Color: Black.

BULL (20 April to 20 May)

If you invested in the development of a colleague or subordinate, today it is quite possible that you will start to reap results. Nothing that makes you launch fireworks, but it provides a reward and lightens the load on your shoulders. It’s a good way to train people. Your lucky number for today: 49. Color: Brown.

TWINS (21 May to 21 June)

Take this day to spend time with your family and enjoy the company of people who love you unconditionally. Doing simple everyday things like having family lunch will warm your heart. At night, romance will be at its peak. Enjoy and enjoy with your partner. Your number for Saturday is 77. Color: Violet.

CANCER (22 June to 22 July)

Avoid shopping on that day, there is a tendency to spend more than necessary. Beware of situations that can change the course of your life. Communication problems can affect relationships. Try to minimize failures in your life together. Making a concession can be fundamental. 92 is your lucky number for today. Purple color.

LION (23 July to 22 August)

Thanks to your willpower, you will be able to give up an addiction, start a diet or start exercising. At work, everything you do in the company of others will be easier and the result will surprise your boss. In the sentimental field, there will be no shortage of adventures in love. Your lucky number today is: 69. Color: Red.

VIRGIN (23 August to 22 September)

You will be great at work, especially in a team. Reality and imagination come face to face. Avoid exchanging the right for the doubtful. The Moon has been illuminating your night, favoring the expression of feelings. A declaration of love can have a great effect. Number for Saturday: 42. Color: Pink.

LB (23 September to 22 October)

Beware of losses or risky investments. The day can be very promising in the professional area. The more interest you show in your work, the more autonomy you will have. Your love life may involve a certain amount of mystery. A secret romance is not ruled out. Its number is 88. Color: Orange.

SCORPION (23 October to 21 November)

The Moon encourages you to have an accurate vision of the values ​​you need to run your life. By recognizing them, you will know where you should invest your money and time to finally realize your ideals. In your love life, you will want to go on the attack. Your number for today 85. Color: Red.

SAGITTARIUS (22 November to 21 December)

The well-being of the people you share the same roof with will make you arm yourself with peace and hope to overcome the challenges of this day. Just avoid spending more than you should to please others. In the field of love, open yourself up more to affection and cuddles. Do not waste time. Your lucky number for this Saturday is 02. Color: Orange.

CAPRICORN (22 December to 19 January)

Count on your determination to face the obstacles along the way. Some facts may be beyond your control, but you should not be discouraged. Everything indicates that you will receive demonstrations of affection from loved ones. In life as a couple, you will be well-articulated. Your lucky number for this day is 69. Color: Grey.

AQUARIUM (20 January to 18 February)

You are a stubborn, jealous and possessive sign, who can easily feel attracted to one person, but coexistence will be difficult if it is close. Don’t give up on how you feel. Open strong bonds, complicated problems will soon disappear. Your lucky number for today: 42. Color: Orange.

FISH (19 February to 20 March)

While this square lasts, it is best to carry out work that requires little money. The day still tends to live in a world of fantasies and you often even lose contact with friends and family. Lucky number for Saturday: 06. Color: Purple.

Brazil Radio Center

Check out the predictions for the twelve signs of the Zodiac and find out what the stars have in store for you this day!

The article is in Portuguese

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