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About to live a unique night, Mickael Carreira confesses: “Nervous, but very happy”

It is this Saturday, the 27th, that Mickael Carreira takes the stage at the Coliseu dos Recreios for the concert that begins the “Vida” tour.

Exclusively to SELFIE, the 38-year-old singer spoke to us about his state of mind, two hours before the start of the show. “I’m nervous, but very happy. I’m excited and it’s going to be incredible”, he began by telling us, adding: “I’m always nervous before big shows, but I think it’s good to feel that way. The day I stop feeling that, to make sense.”

“You can expect a big, big show. It’s a show that we’ve been preparing for several months, with a completely renewed lineup, with a different visual concept. I’m going to play the new songs for the first time, like ‘Caladinho’. So, it’s going to be It’s a unique night and I’m going to have a lot of fun”, he guaranteed.

This concert features many guests who are part of Mickael Carreira’s musical career, such as Rita Guerra and Matias Damásio. “All the people here are part of my journey. Not all of them are here, because they are abroad, like Enrique Iglesias. But it’s a pleasure to be with these guests. It’s a celebration.”

Mickael Carreira also expressed gratitude to the public that has followed him for so long: “It’s a relationship that has lasted for many years and I think that one of my greatest strengths as an artist is precisely this support from the public. Therefore, I think that, When you’ve been at this for so many years, you know many of the people who accompany us. There are people who are here today who are already part of my family. Nothing is done alone. If there are people on the other side responding and being present, it’s not worth it.”

And why is this tour called “Vida”? The artist replied: “I think it’s a name that makes sense for my return, since I’ve been away for a few years. And coming back and feeling all this affection and enthusiasm from the public just gives me even more life.”

See, now, some of the best images of Mickael Carreira, in the photo galleries we have prepared for you.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: live unique night Mickael Carreira confesses Nervous happy