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Brazilian film ‘Amarela’ competes for the Palme d’Or for short films at Cannes

The Brazilian short film “Amarela” was selected this week for the short film competition at the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. The 15-minute film, directed by André Hayato Sato, tells the story of a Brazilian teenager of Japanese descent who rejects her Japanese origins and traditions and takes place during the 1998 World Cup final.

Among the associated producers is singer Fernanda Takai, lead singer of the Minas Gerais band Pato Fu.

“Amarela” was one of eleven short films selected from 4420 films submitted. Brazilian work competes with titles from countries such as Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, France, Kosovo, Lithuania, Portugal and the United States.

The Palme d’Or for short films will be awarded on May 25th, a Saturday.

The Cannes Festival, the most important film festival in the world, also announced that it will show the documentary about President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva directed by Oliver Stone as part of its special sessions.

Karim Aïnouz, who was present last year with “Firebrand” and won the Um Certo Olhar exhibition with “A Vida Invisível”, will premiere his new feature film at the event, “Motel Destino”, an erotic thriller filmed in Ceará and starring by Fabio Assunção.

“Baby”, the second feature by Marcelo Caetano, director of “Corpo Elétrico”, was selected for the 63rd Critics’ Week, a parallel exhibition at the Cannes Festival, which takes place between May 14th and 25th.

The Brazilian documentary “A Queda do Céu”, Eryk Rocha and Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, based on the book of the same name by Davi Kopenawa, will be presented at the Directors’ Fortnight, a show parallel to the Cannes Festival, which takes place between the 14th and 25th next month, aimed at independent and contemporary directors.


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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Brazilian film Amarela competes Palme dOr short films Cannes