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‘There is nothing that can point to the motive’, says delegate about murder of councilor in Camocim – Security

24 hours after the murder of the councilor by Camocim, César Veras (PSB), the director of the Judiciary Police of the Interior Norte, of the Civil Police of Ceará (PCCE), Marcos Aurélio Elias de França, stated, in an interview with Northeast Diarywho “still has absolutely nothing that could point to any reason for him (the suspect) to do this.”

Waiter Antônio Charlan Rocha Souza was arrested in the act for the crime, by a group from the Intensive and Ostensive Actions Round Policing Command (CPRaio), from the Military Police of Ceará (PMCE). According to police chief Marcos Aurélio, the suspect tried to flee by car, to another city, shortly after the murder. The military police saw the vehicle at high speed and, even without knowing about the murder, decided to approach the car. Antônio Charlan turned himself in, confessed to the crime and handed over the machete used to attack the victims.

César Veras had just arrived at a restaurant, on the edge of Camocim, when he was stabbed in the neck, by Antônio Charlan, in the early afternoon of last Sunday (28). Businessman Euclides Oliveira (owner of the establishment) and a customer were also attacked, before the suspect fled.

“We have well-defined authorship and materiality, but the motivation is still premature to say. We heard from people this morning, including the suspect’s co-workers. He worked at the restaurant for 13 years. There is still absolutely nothing that could point to any motive for he (suspect) did this”, reveals the director of the Judicial Police of the Interior Norte.

According to Marcos Aurélio, the first witnesses did not point out disagreements, fights or reasons for revenge between suspect and victim. “The investigation is starting now, we have 30 days, which can be extended for another 30. The sources helped will still be heard, when they are in good health”, pointed out the delegate.

When detained by military police officers, Antônio Charlan Rocha Souza reportedly said that “he was being persecuted by co-workers and clients”, according to the investigator. However, in a statement to the Civil Police, the waiter said he did not remember what happened in the restaurant. He had no criminal history.

The waiter’s arrest was converted into preventative arrest, during a custody hearing held this Monday (29), at the 5th Regional Custody and Inquiry Center based in Sobral.

Cameras caught criminal action

Security camera images show the action of the waiter who killed the councilor for Camocim Cesar Veras, in a restaurant in the city. In the video, it is possible to see the parliamentarian sitting at a table, in an area in the center of the establishment, next to his daughter.

See video:

Moments after sitting down, the politician is served by one of the waiters, who approaches the table with what appears to be a menu. Meanwhile, another employee, who was in the background of the image, approaches him from behind and stabs him in the neck with a knife.

The person responsible for the stabbing quickly goes towards another table, where the owner of the restaurant, Euclides Oliveira, was sitting, and also attacks him with the bladed weapon. There is a rush among customers, and the suspect hits a third man, before fleeing.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: point motive delegate murder councilor Camocim Security