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Christ asks us to always live the commandment of Love

“I have told you this, so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be full. This is my commandment: love one another, as I have loved you (John 15:11-12)

We are close to the end of the Easter Season and afterwards we will have many important solemnities and parties: Ascension, Pentecost, Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi. In the teachings of previous weeksJesus seeks to form disciples in the spirituality of unity which will serve as a testimony and attraction that will enchant the pagans who will receive the announcement of the Gospel.

In the next weeks, we will be prepared to live and experience the same existence as Godthat is, communion and unity.

The liturgy of this sixth Sunday of Easter invites us to contemplate God’s lovemanifested in the person, in the words and actions of Jesuswhich remains present in the lives of humanity through the actions of its disciples.

Reflecting the Gospel of Saint John, It is possible to understand that Jesus carries out His last teachingsas a prediction of the events to follow in His life (arrest, unfair trial and death). Resurrected, he orders the proclamation of the Gospel to the ends of the universe. The community of disciples needs strength not to become discouraged in the midst of difficulties.

Jesus defines the path that his disciples must follow, to be transformed by the love of God: Living the commandment of Love. Well, shared love is the condition to remain united to Jesus and to bear the fruits of salvation.


Disciples are the “friends” who knew the Father’s love revealed by Jesus Christ. Therefore, the mission of the Christian community is to testify to God’s love for humanity.

Dom Adimir Antonio Mazali, Bishop of Erexim (RS), in this article for the website of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), rreveals that this teaching of Christ reveals His life and ministry.

“This appeal from Jesus is for you to remain united to Him and His project, that is, may they remain in his love, just as he loved them. For Jesus, it is only love, the giving of life, that brings complete joy to a person. Therefore, remaining in the love of Jesus is assuming its liberating practice, generating good for all people. God is with us when our love is translated into works that reflect the Kingdom project”.

Diocese of Jundiaí

The bishop also says that in the risen Christ,
everyone has access to God’s salvation.

“The way to go is the practice of love and justice, as he himself lived and taught. We conclude, therefore, that love is a gift and mission. The Resurrected One entrusts us with the mission of sharing and multiplying his love, so that our joy is complete. The Good News of the Kingdom of God announced by Jesus It is a proposal open to all people, regardless of race or nation. We are all invited to love one another, for God is Love.”

As discussed last Sunday, Christ offers us the criteria to know whether or not we are remaining in Him and with Him: whether or not we keep His commandments, and also, whether or not we live practicing his Word. At the same time, He offers us confirmation that He remains with us: The Holy Spirit that we receive from the Lord is permanently poured into our hearts.

Morning Blessing reflects the Lord as the meaning of Love

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Christ asks live commandment Love