Amalia from Holland will receive a subsidy of 1.5 million that she had refused – News

Amalia from Holland will receive a subsidy of 1.5 million that she had refused – News
Amalia from Holland will receive a subsidy of 1.5 million that she had refused – News

At the age of 20, Amalia of the Netherlands will begin to have an agenda and begin the constitutional obligations that fall to her as first in the line of succession to the Dutch throne and, therefore, future queen.

From January 1, 2025, the princess will begin to use the annual allowance of 1.5 million euros to which she has been entitled since she reached the age of majority, but which she has not used until now and which she has repaid to the Government.

This amount will be used to cover the costs of your institutional activity, including a secretariat and a fund that allows you to live and work independently. She is the first heiress of her generation in Europe to request this amount, as the rest do not yet have official acts and are only focused on their training.

In a letter addressed to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Princess of Orange stated that “with the passage of time and after surprising circumstances [as ameaças que recebeu da máfia, que a obrigaram a recolher-se no palácio de Huis ten Bosch e depois em Madrid]it is now foreseeable that I will have to take into account personnel and material expenses to be able to carry out my functions autonomously and independently, including a secretariat and reserves for living and working”.

Since she reached the age of majority at the end of 2021, Amalia was entitled to this support, but in a letter she sent to the Government at that time she announced that she would reimburse the entire amount, as she still had no official agenda and was only studying .

Read Also: Amalia da Holanda talks about the time she lived in secret in Spain

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Amalia Holland receive subsidy million refused News

