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To put it bluntly: this is the maximum time that clothes can stay wet inside the machine

Although many may put off hanging out the laundry, few understand the real consequences of this seemingly harmless habit.

The time that parts remain inside the appliance after washing is not just a matter of convenience; it is a crucial factor that affects the durability of clothes, hygiene and even the longevity of the washing machine.

The two-hour safe limit may surprise many, but exceeding it can lead to a range of unwanted problems, from irreparable tissue damage to the development of unpleasant odors. Transform your laundry routine and ensure your clothes stay fresh, clean and, most importantly, undamaged.

Main problems associated with leaving damp clothes in the washing machine:

  • Tissue damage: Some materials can deteriorate more quickly when exposed to moisture for long periods, which can result in loss of elasticity, color and even the disintegration of fibers.
  • Clothes that are most difficult to iron: Prolonged humidity causes wrinkles to settle into fabric fibers, making them more difficult to smooth out.
  • Mold and mildew formation: These can not only permanently stain clothes but can also be harmful to your health if inhaled.
  • Development of unpleasant odors: Humidity is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi, which are the main causes of bad odors.

To avoid these problems, it is advisable to remove the clothes from the washing machine and place them to dry immediately after the end of the wash cycle.

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