Don’t have dishwasher detergent? Find alternatives at home


Tin a dishwasher full of dishes and you can’t find the detergent? There are different temporary solutions, but, of course, very effective. Victor Jacobia, a product manager at LG, quoted in Better Homes and Gardens, reveals two ingredients widely used at home that serve as substitutes. Take note!

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Two ingredients you can use to wash dishes in the dishwasher:

  • Distilled white vinegar. It has an acidity capable of “decomposing food waste, including oil and fat, and when combined with hot water and the machine’s strong jet, it leaves dishes clean.”
  • Lemon juice. It works in a very similar way to vinegar, that is, “citric acid works together with hot water to break down food residue and film.”

Do you want to try it? Simply place half a cup of the ingredient you choose on the top shelf of the machine before starting the normal wash cycle, advises the appliance specialist.

Read Also: Is there always one more glass? It is best not to overload the dishwasher.

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Tags: Dont dishwasher detergent Find alternatives home

