Reading and writing: Itabirito City Hall begins training for Early Childhood Education teachers


Reading and writing: Itabirito City Hall begins training for Early Childhood Education teachers

The City of Itabirito, through the Department of Education, started Reading and Writing training for Early Childhood Education professionals. The training takes place at the Natália Donada Melillo Municipal School, in the Santa Efigênia neighborhood, covering 1st and 2nd period teachers from the municipal education network.

The training is part of the National Literacy Child Commitment, from the Ministry of Education, which aims to teach children literacy by the end of the 2nd year of primary school, in addition to restoring the learning of children affected during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reading and Writing Project (2)

“It is essential to invest in Education. The training aims to provide our teachers with new ways of working on literacy. This initiative is important to ensure that students are literate at the correct time, without compromising their training”, highlights the Secretary of Education, Iracema Mapa.

The training will be held every two weeks until December.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Reading writing Itabirito City Hall begins training Early Childhood Education teachers



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