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Out of the spotlight, covid-19 has already killed more people than dengue in 2024 | Latest: Pernambuco.com

The new coronavirus left the spotlight after the arrival of several immunizers, but continues to victimize thousands of people in the country every month (Photo: Marcello Camargo/Agência Brasil)

The rise in cases of diseases such as dengue and flu in Pernambuco has frightened the population and drawn the attention of health agencies across the state. The focus on care against these diseases causes many people to ignore the covid-19, which still kills more people in Brazil than dengue and remains an invisible enemy to the naked eye.

The new coronavirus left the spotlight after the arrival of several vaccines, but it continues to kill thousands of people in the country every month. Only in 2024, were registered 2,066 deaths by the disease, an average of almost 30 people per day. Arboviruses, diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, were responsible for the death of 656 Brazilians in this year. However, the latter have gained more attention from authorities and the media.

At the end of 2023, people from Pernambuco saw Covid-19 cases skyrocket with the arrival of the end-of-year festivities, causing anguish and doubt about a possible return of the pandemic and the use of masks and alcohol gel. According to the State Department of Health (SES), between January 1st and March 16th, 2024, there were 11,963 confirmed cases of the disease. In this same period, the country registered 48,038 new cases.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Pernambuco recorded 1,230,871 cases of covid-19 and, with that, the Brazil already accumulates 38,694,211 cases. Furthermore, there is an increase in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in most of the country, in all age groups analyzed by the InfoGripe Bulletin, published by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz).

The scenario is due to the variation of viruses that circulate in Brazil, such as Sars-CoV-2 (covid-19), influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and rhinovirus. The bulletin released by Fiocruz shows that Pernambuco is one of the states that shows signs of growth in SARS in the long term trend (last six months).

The research reveals that the country already records 1,218 deaths only this year due to the syndrome and, of this total, 90.9% were caused by complications from Covid-19. A few weeks ago, Fiocruz issued an alert for Brazilians to be alert due to the current scenario, in which there is the simultaneous circulation of the covid-19 and dengue viruses, causing doubts in the population due to the similarity between the symptoms.

How to differentiate dengue and covid-19?

Due to the explosion of dengue cases in recent months and the continuation of silent cases of covid-19, symptoms such as headache, fever, body aches and malaise leave people uncertain about the diagnosis.

Infection with these two diseases occurs differently. While Covid-19 is transmitted by air, dengue occurs due to mosquito bite Aedes aegypti.

“The transmission of Covid-19 happens from person to person. It is respiratory transmission through cough, sputum, droplets, hand contact. Often, people blow their nose, don’t wash their hands and pass it on to someone else.”the infectious disease specialist at the Infection Control Service at Albert Einstein Hospital, Moacyr Silva Junior, explained to Agência Brasil.

“No, dengue is related to the mosquito. The mosquito bites an infected person and, later, will bite another healthy person and transmit the virus from one person to another, but you have the vector”, completed.

Among the main symptoms of Covid-19 are headache, runny nose, cough, fever and muscle pain. People with dengue develop malaise, body aches, high fever and pain behind the eyes.

Covid-19 even stronger, but with the same outfit

Photo: Peter Ilicciev/Fiocruz

Since the pandemic began in March 2020, the new coronavirus has made several changes to strengthen itself, generating waves, peaks and moments of relaxation and tranquility.

In 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) began monitoring a new variant of the new coronavirus called BA.2.86 due to the number of mutations. In addition to this variant, two others are monitored by the WHO. “The organization continues to call for better surveillance, sequencing and reporting of Covid-19 as this virus continues to circulate and evolve”informed the organization.

The variant with the most mutations was identified in a patient in Indonesia, with 113 genetic changes. Even with the potential for virus variants, precautions to avoid contamination remain the same.

Among the main measures to prevent Covid-19 are:

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds;
  • Use alcohol gel to clean your hands and wrists;
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands;
  • Avoid contact with sick people;
  • Wear a mask in crowded places;
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces daily;
  • Comply with the vaccination schedule.

Where to get the covid-19 vaccine

Photo: Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/Agncia Brasil

Vaccination remains the most effective way to prevent Covid-19. Research carried out by Fiocruz shows that the effectiveness of vaccines against Covid-19 used in children and adolescents is almost 90%.

Despite this, only 11.4% of young people under 14 years of age received three doses of the vaccine in Brazil. The vaccine to prevent Covid-19 has been available for children from 6 months of age since 2023. The elderly and people with comorbidities are also part of the risk group and, for this reason, are the first in line to receive the doses of the immunizer.

At the Recife, there are five vaccination centers that operate from Sunday to Sunday, they are: Traditional Basic Unit (UBT) José Dustan (Rua Maurício de Nassau, s/n, Iputinga, close to the Monsenhor Fabrício Bus Terminal), from 8am to 12pm and from 1pm to 5pm. Additionally, there is a center in Parque Dona Lindu, on Avenida Boa Viagem, which is open from 8am to 12pm.

In Jaboatão dos Guararapes, The vaccine is available in all primary and specialized healthcare units in the city. Check out the list by clicking here.

Already in Olinda, vaccination takes place in health units and polyclinics, which are open from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm. Residents can still receive the vaccine dose at Shopping Patteo, from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 4pm.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: spotlight covid19 killed people dengue Latest Pernambuco .com

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