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12th National Conference on the Rights of Children and Adolescents will have public policy proposals in the post-Covid-19 pandemic context

Violations and vulnerabilities arising from the Covid-19 pandemic – in addition to the necessary actions to repair and guarantee full protection policies, with respect to diversity – are part of issues to be debated at the 12th National Conference on the Rights of Children and Adolescents (12th CNDCA), which will take place from next Tuesday (2) and will continue until Thursday (4), in Brasília (DF). The initiative is from the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (Conanda) in partnership with the National Secretariat for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (SNDCA/MDHC). The event is open to the press with prior accreditation.

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Among the objectives, the 12th CNDCA aims to promote broad social mobilization at the municipal, state, district and national levels, with the aim of reflecting and evaluating the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of children, adolescents and families. The national stage also seeks to build proposals for public actions and policies that guarantee rights in the pandemic and post-pandemic context. The initiative has the support of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences Sede Brasil (Flacso Brasil) and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI).

In addition to the presence of Minister Silvio Almeida in the main class at the opening of the event and government authorities, representatives of the Child and Adolescent Rights Guarantee System (SGDCA) participate in the 12th CNDCA, including counselors on the rights of children and adolescents; guardianship counselors; representatives of the justice system; forums and networks for the promotion, protection, defense and social control of rights; service network; and, above all, children and adolescents.


Five thematic axes guide the discussions of the 12th CNDCA, which will be held based on the central theme “The situation of human rights of children and adolescents in times of the Covid-19 pandemic: violations and vulnerabilities, necessary actions to repair and guarantee health policies full protection, with respect for diversity”.

Thematic axis 1 covers the “promotion and guarantee of the human rights of children and adolescents in the pandemic and post-pandemic context”. Axis 2 covers “addressing violations and vulnerabilities resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic”. As for axis 3, this refers to “expanding and consolidating the participation of children and adolescents in spaces for discussion and deliberation of public policies to promote, protect and defend their rights, during and after the pandemic”.

“Society’s participation in the deliberation, execution, management and social control of public policies to promote, protect and defend the rights of children and adolescents considering the pandemic scenario” is the theme of thematic axis 4. Axis 5 will discuss ” guarantee of resources for public policies aimed at children and adolescents during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Guiding documents

The documents of the 12th CNDCA include the Proposal Booklet, the Participation Guide, the Internal Regulations, the Base Document and the Guiding Document, in addition to Conanda Resolution nº 227, of 05/19/22. The materials can be accessed on the conference website.

You can also check the complete program via the 12th CNDCA website; read answers to frequently asked questions; and download promotional materials, such as the conference’s Visual Identity Use Guidance Manual; official illustration and logo of the 12th CNDCA; and characters, textures and other supporting items.


The American continent, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), holds the record for cases and deaths from Covid-19, with the United States and Brazil being the most affected countries on the continent. With more than 600,000 deaths in Brazil, the pandemic has multiple effects on the lives of children and adolescents, ranging from death and sequelae as a result of Covid-19, to violence, hunger, restricted access to services, among others.

According to data from the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef), from 2021, the drop in income of families with children and adolescents, restricted access to school activities and adequate food are some of the socioeconomic effects of the health crisis. In the same year, a survey carried out by the global organization Oxfam highlighted that the pandemic deepened inequalities with greater effects on the lives of women, black people, indigenous peoples and marginalized communities.

Check out the complete schedule of the 12th CNDCA


12th National Conference on the Rights of Children and Adolescents

Date: Tuesday to Thursday (2nd to 4th)

Location: Brazilian International Convention Center (CICB) – Brasília (DF)

Accreditation link for press vehicles: https://forms.gle/hVP4p1Tr6hoA79EFA

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: #12th National Conference Rights Children Adolescents public policy proposals postCovid19 pandemic context

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