Cascavel goes from three to six exclusive health units for dengue-related care | West and Southwest

Cascavel goes from three to six exclusive health units for dengue-related care | West and Southwest
Cascavel goes from three to six exclusive health units for dengue-related care | West and Southwest

1 of 1 Mosquito that transmits Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya — Photo: Database Reproduction
Mosquito that transmits Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya — Photo: Database Reproduction

The Health Department of Cascavel, in the west of Paraná, made three more family health units (USF) exclusively for dengue care starting this Tuesday (26) due to the significant increase in cases in the city. See which ones below.

The municipality has 8,600 registered cases and three deaths, all young people, in the current epidemiological year starting in August 2023, according to a bulletin released by the health department.

Service at the units takes place from 7am to 7pm, until Thursday (28). On the national holiday of Good Friday (29), there will be no services in health unitsreturning to normal service on Monday (1st).

The units that are now exclusive to dengue will not have flu vaccines, as will other services. Everyone – with the exception of pregnant women – will be sent to the units to look for other units closer.

The exclusive units are:

  • USF Morumbi
  • USF President
  • USF Pioneiros Catarinense
  • Ipanema
  • Uncle Zaca
  • New city.

The infection does not always present symptoms. The individual may have asymptomatic dengue fever or have a mild condition.

But you need to be careful if the person has a high fever (39ºC to 40ºC), of sudden onset, accompanied by at least two other symptoms:

  • Intense headache
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Red spots on the body

❗The ministry warns that it is important to seek a health service for adequate diagnosis and treatment when presenting possible symptoms of dengue.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Cascavel exclusive health units denguerelated care West Southwest



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