Measles cases increase and already reach 70% of 2023 numbers

Measles cases increase and already reach 70% of 2023 numbers
Measles cases increase and already reach 70% of 2023 numbers

An employee’s pay slip (original photo by Jun OHWADA, with stripes over confidential data, via Flickr)

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan (MLIT) announced on Wednesday (27), the basic statistical survey of the 2023 salary structure, the monthly average of workers full-time, not including holidays and overtime.


O average monthly salary raised was 318,300 yenthe highest ever, showing an increase of 2.1% compared to 2022, which was the highest rate in 29 years, at 2.6% since 1994.

By scale of company size, small and medium-sized companies increased salaries by around 3%, surpassing those of large companies.

To the medium-sized companies (100 to 999 workers) increased by 2.8% compared to the previous year and those of small size (10 to 99 workers) increased by 3.3% compared to 2022. On the other hand, large companies (more than a thousand workers) reduced by 0.7%.

An employee of the MLIT explained: “As businesses recover from the coronavirus pandemic, the number of workers non-regular employees receiving lower wages than regular employees has increased, particularly in transformation industrywhich pushed down the numbers for large companies as a whole.”

Disparity between female and male workers

In data analysis, a entry-level workerunder 19 years old, receives on average 192.9 thousand yen monthly salarywhile an employee in the 55 to 59 years old earns 429.3 thousand yen.

But, when looking at salary differences by age group and gender, the Japan continues to have disparity. One employee in the range of 50 to 54 earns an average of 302 thousand yen per month while the male colleague receives 473.6 thousand yen on average, if it is in a large company. In a small company, in the same age group, there are 364.9 thousand yen against 268 thousand yenrespectively for men and women.

Education: the higher the better the average salary

About educationone workerregardless of gender, you earn more if you have University education complete, with an average monthly salary of 473.5 thousand yen in this same age group.

If postgraduatethe average rises to 609.5 thousand yen, practically double that of those who graduated only in high school (319.7 thousand yen). This shows that the greater the education levelthe better the salary during the career.

Segments with the highest and lowest salaries

Not looking at the industrial segmentsthe best average salaries they are:

  • 410.2 thousand yen monthly for the electricity, gas, heat and water supply industry
  • 396.6 thousand yen for academic research, professional and technical services
  • 393.4 thousand yen for financial and insurance institutions
  • 381.2 thousand yen for information and communication
  • 377.2 thousand yen for education and learning support
  • 366.7 thousand yen for mining, quarrying, gravel and extraction industry
  • 349.4 thousand yen for construction
  • 306 thousand yen for the transformation industryin addition to other segments

You service industry workers such as accommodation, bars & restaurants, among others, have the lowest average, in the range of 259.5 thousand yen.

Fontes: MHLW e Asahi

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Measles cases increase reach numbers



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