Eating this fruit helps reduce the risk of diabetes in women, says study | Wellbeing | MIDDLE NORTH


A new study published in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests that including avocadoa species of avocado, in the diet may help protect women against development of diabetes. Researchers from the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico and the Avocado Nutrition Center analyzed data from more than 25,000 Mexican adults, dividing them into groups of consumers and non-consumers of the fruit.

What was noticed? They found that women who consumed avocado were up to 29% less likely to develop diabetes, even after adjustments for factors such as age, socioeconomic status and body mass index. This association was not found among men.

Other indicators. Furthermore, the avocado consumers tended to have educational levels taller, belong to higher social classes, live in urban areas and adopt healthier eating habits.

What does that mean? Nutritionist Lara Natacci, in an interview with Estadão, highlights that both avocado and avocado are foods with notable properties when it comes to preventing or controlling diabetes. These fruits are known for their richness in healthy fatsfiber and several essential nutrients, which can play a significant role in regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity.

“This happens because it is a fruit rich in monounsaturated fatswhich help circulation, in addition to being low in carbohydrates and rich in fiber and beneficial vitamins, such as E”, he describes.

It needs more studies. The expert emphasizes that, although the study presents promising results, it is not possible to definitively state that there is a direct cause and effect relationship between the consumption of avocado and the diabetes prevention. “What the survey does is bring to light a possible association between the two factors”, he explains.

In an interview with the scientific dissemination platform Medical News Today, nutritionist Eliza Whitaker shares the same perspective. According to her, although there is an association between avocado consumption and a reduced risk of diabetes, it is premature to say that this isolated habit is a factor. definitive protector. “We have to look at the diet as a whole to reach conclusions in this regard”, he highlights.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Eating fruit helps reduce risk diabetes women study Wellbeing MIDDLE NORTH

