More than eight thousand people take to the streets for democracy in Coimbra

More than eight thousand people take to the streets for democracy in Coimbra
More than eight thousand people take to the streets for democracy in Coimbra

More than eight thousand people took to the streets in Coimbra, participating in a popular demonstration that paraded through the heart of the city, to “not let democracy fall asleep” and “continue to water the freedom” achieved 50 years ago.

With red carnations on their chests, in their hands, in their backpacks or behind their ears, kids and adults took off from Praça da República, around 3:30 pm, shouting “25 de Abril Always, fascism never again”.

Among the protesters stood out a red carnation measuring 1.60 meters high, which Carla Dionísio built with Eva paper, with 50 petals, one for each of the 50 years that the revolution marks.

“Democracy and freedom are the most important things we have. We cannot fall asleep in democracy, especially when we have 50 fascists in our parliament,” he said.

A 19-year-old student, studying Social Service, decided to engrave the symbol of the April 1974 revolution on her forearm.

“I got this tattoo a year ago. April 25th is my favorite day of the year, the one that tells us how important our history is and that we have to continue fighting for our democracy, which we cannot take for granted”, highlighted Fabiana Pereira.

The organizing committee for the popular celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April, in Coimbra, called on the entire city to participate in the popular demonstration, which went to the Pátio da Inquisição, “with as many people as you have ever seen”.

“It is very important to celebrate this round date. But it is even more important to know that we have to continue fighting for the values ​​achieved”, highlighted Fátima Rodrigues, with a red carnation at the ready.

The Coimbra Academy joined the popular demonstration with around 500 students, carrying the Goat, the Tower of the University of Coimbra, on a scaffold.

“The Goat has a degraded image, reflecting the state of higher education. Below are the red carnations trying to repair the deficiencies in higher education”, explained the president of the General Directorate of the Academic Association of Coimbra, Renato Daniel.

According to the coordinator of the Union of Unions of Coimbra, Luísa Silva, around 140 organizations joined the popular celebrations, with more than a hundred participating in this afternoon’s popular demonstration.

“To celebrate April, there is no need for entities, just the union of people, but we are sorry that the City Council did not join in and had an autonomous agenda, in which we hope to participate later”, he guaranteed.

Various demands were brought to the popular demonstration, from health to education, from culture to work, from international issues to democracy and freedom itself.

The banners mixed with peace flags, the national flag and several cardboard posters held by a group of 21 elements from Galicia.

“We decided to come on purpose to participate in the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April. We decided to come and say that fascism will not pass”, claimed Maria Villaverde.

According to the PSP of Coimbra, around 8,500 people participated in this Thursday’s popular demonstration. In 2023, it numbered around three thousand.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: thousand people streets democracy Coimbra



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