Daniel Ferreira is the new coach of SC Mirandela

Daniel Ferreira is the new coach of SC Mirandela
Daniel Ferreira is the new coach of SC Mirandela


On social media, the club reveals that it has reached “an agreement with manager Daniel Ferreira for the 2024/25 season, a new coach in the 2022/2023 season, taking FC Vilarinho to a championship playoff for the first time”.

The coach, born in Santo Tirso, succeeds António Pereira, who was in charge of the team in the team’s last games in the Portuguese Championship, having been relegated to the district of Bragança.

Daniel Ferreira spent time with FC Tirsense at various levels, including the senior B team, FC Vilarinho, where he spent two seasons, Canidelo and São Lourenço do Douro.


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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Daniel Ferreira coach Mirandela



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