Scorch | Exhibition ‘The brave race of struggle – in search of the Portuguese grape variety’

Scorch | Exhibition ‘The brave race of struggle – in search of the Portuguese grape variety’
Scorch | Exhibition ‘The brave race of struggle – in search of the Portuguese grape variety’

The exhibition ‘The brave race of the struggle – in search of the Portuguese caste’ is on view until May 31st at the Ruy Gomes da Silva Municipal Library, in Chamusca. The painting and science exhibition is signed by Mário Pereira, Rosário Sousa and Fernando Coimbra.

The exhibition within the scope of ‘Painting and Science’ aims to be a journey into the world of the bull, showing the animal today in the particularity of the brave Portuguese fighting breed, through the painting of Mário Pereira, of the roles that the bull assumed in the relationship of millennia with Man.

The exhibition also includes the perspective of the art on canvas by Rosário Sousa and the positioning of the Auroque in the Iberian Peninsula and in Portugal, in the Ribatejo region, until today, by Fernando Coimbra.

His background is in law but, luckily, journalism fell into his lap more than 20 years ago and has never let go. It’s normal to be against it, maybe that’s also why there’s a path taken in reverse: starting at the national level, who knows, maybe ending up at the regional level. He started at TSF radio, then moved to Diário de Notícias, a decade later he invested in Macau’s economy as a bridge from Portugal to China. After a lifetime in the capital, he returned to Abrantes in 2015. He likes living in the countryside, he wants the quality of rural life for his daughter and if possible, he wants to dedicate himself to telling stories.

More by Paula Mourato

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Scorch Exhibition brave race struggle search Portuguese grape variety

