‘IPB4ALL Freedom Race’ celebrates 50 years of the 25th of April

‘IPB4ALL Freedom Race’ celebrates 50 years of the 25th of April
‘IPB4ALL Freedom Race’ celebrates 50 years of the 25th of April

As part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of April 25th by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, the IPB4ALL Freedom Race is scheduled for May 22nd, at 6pm, departing from the entrance of the Escola Superior de Educação.

This event aims to promote conviviality and celebration, providing participants with an opportunity to promote health and well-being, while remembering and celebrating the values ​​of freedom and democracy that are so important to the academic community.

“IPB for All” also aims to encourage the integration of the entire academic community and the city of Bragança, encouraging the practice of healthy physical activity in a festive context.

The walk is open to all age groups and is non-competitive. As for the race, it is aimed at both federated and non-federated athletes, over the age of sixteen on the date of the race. Departure and arrival will take place at ESEB.

Registration for the IPB4ALL Freedom Race is free, but mandatory via the online form available at inqueritos.ipb.pt/?r=survey/index/sid/933449/newtest/Y/lang/pt, until the 17th of May 2024.

This event is organized by the Bragança Polytechnic Institute with the collaboration of the Bragança City Council, the Bragança Athletics Association, the Bragança Volunteer Firefighters and the Public Security Police.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: IPB4ALL Freedom Race celebrates years #25th April



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