Mirandela warns the population about fraud using the name of the municipality

Mirandela warns the population about fraud using the name of the municipality
Mirandela warns the population about fraud using the name of the municipality

At issue are messages sent to residents, on behalf of the municipality, with the aim of scheduling visits to people’s homes.

In a statement, and “following reports of possible attempts at improper access to the interior of homes”, the Mirandela City Council clarifies that “it does not schedule visits to homes through SMS messages” and also that “the city’s workers and vehicles find be duly identified.”

Speaking to Terra Quente radio, the vice-president of the municipality, Orlando Pires, confessed that “we received, at the Municipal Support Office (GAM), some telephone contacts from people asking if the municipality had sent any SMS and made phone calls on the sense of scheduling visits to homes”, clarifying that “the municipality does not make this type of appointments nor is it promoting any concerted or planned action”.

“When the municipality carries out actions on the ground, it goes with duly identified teams and vehicles”, he reinforces, asking that “if you have any questions, call GAM or the municipality and we will provide all the necessary clarifications, in order to prevent possible fraud” .

The message in question informs residents of the day and time that the visit will take place and that, if they are not at home at that time, they should leave a message on the door informing them that they are absent.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Mirandela warns population fraud municipality

