BRAGA (Solidarity) – ‘Feijoada do Frei’ returns to help ‘O Poverello’ reception center

BRAGA (Solidarity) – ‘Feijoada do Frei’ returns to help ‘O Poverello’ reception center
BRAGA (Solidarity) – ‘Feijoada do Frei’ returns to help ‘O Poverello’ reception center

The O Poverello Welcome Center, in Braga, will promote a solidarity dinner on the 17th of May. It promises delicious food, lively music and special company.

Feijoada do Frei takes place on May 17th, starting at 7:30 pm, at Regimento de Cavalaria, nº 6, Rua do Regimento de Infantaria 8, in Braga.

The event will be marked by solidarity, as the value of the tickets will be donated to the O Poverello Welcome Center.

Frei Jacó, general director of O Poverello, says that this is the second edition of the event.

Last year, participation from participants was quite significant. Therefore, Feijoada do Frei returns in 2024 with new features.

The individual ticket costs 25 euros and entitles you to the main dish, drink, dessert and coffee. Children up to 10 years old pay just 15 euros.

«The expectation is to offer a pleasant evening with good food for everyone», highlights the religious.

The O Porevello Welcome Center

‘The Poverello’ is a reception center that arose from the need to love others, help face challenges, care for those in need and welcome those in need in the most difficult moments of their lives.

The history of the space began on October 17, 2011, the result of a concrete action by the Portuguese Province of the Franciscan Order through Domus Fraternitas – Social Solidarity Foundation, created in 2009. In 2019, management was assigned to the Fraternidade São Francis of Assisi in the Providence of God.


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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: BRAGA Solidarity Feijoada Frei returns Poverello reception center

