Local accommodation in Lisbon with record number of cancellations


Requests to cancel Local Accommodation activity in Lisbon reached a record high last year.

According to the News Diarywhich cites a local authority source, in total, there were 1,024, more than half (556) in December alone.

In a comparison made by the newspaper, in December 2023 there were more voluntary cancellations than during the entire year 2022.

One of the possible causes for this increase in revocations is the Mais Habitação program, of the previous socialist government, which imposed the payment of a feeextra from this year.

The law provides for local accommodation to pay an extraordinary contribution, the tax base of which is constituted by the application of an economic coefficient (which takes into account the area of ​​the property and income) and urban pressure.

Last month, the Government confirmed that it would revoke the measures of the Mais Habitação program that he considers “wrong”, including forced leasing, rent freezes and “penalizing measures” for local accommodation, including the extraordinary contribution on this activity.

On Wednesday, the Parliament rejected the bills on housing from IL, Chega, BE, PCP, PAN, having made viable the PS bill that gradually increases the IRS house deduction and another from Livre on subsidized credit.

At the end of a debate that saw some heated exchanges of arguments between the different benches, the combination of votes from the various parties led to the outcome of 15 of the bills under debate, including those from IL and Chega which aimed to reverse part of the Mais Habitação measures, particularly in the context of local accommodation and rent freezing.

The parties that support the Government chose not to present bills for this debate, moving forward only with a resolution in which they recommend to the Government “a new path for housing”, with measures that allow “to boost supply, correct errors and respond to the housing crisis, repeating the lines set out in the Government’s program, which ended up being failed, due to the combination of votes against from PAN, PS and the parties to their left and Chega’s abstention.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Local accommodation Lisbon record number cancellations

