Do you sleep little? Five (simple) tips to improve sleep quality


According to World Health Organization (WHO), 4 out of 10 people in the world do not have good quality sleep. Stress, anxiety and a culture that values ​​productivity over rest are some of the main causes, experts point out.

“You need to understand what your body needs and try your best to prioritize it. Sleep should not be seen as just what remains of the day”, explains Molly Atwood, assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, cited by AP News, who listened to a series of experts to list five important tips for sleep better.

Switch off before bed

Many people have difficulty slowing down after their daily work hours are over. There is laundry to do, bills to pay and other household tasks, while often office matters continue to agitate the mind. All of this in a routine that, for most, involves hours and hours on the cell phone. It shouldn’t be like this.

Experts suggest creating a “protection zone” between leaving work and going to sleep. Especially in the hours before bed, don’t check your email and try to avoid excessive worries, opting for hobbies or activities with friends or family.

Pay attention to food

What we put on our plate can directly affect our quality of sleep. You shouldn’t eat too much, because “a big meal is like giving your body a huge workout before bed,” says Annise Wilson, assistant professor of neurology and medicine at Baylor University.

But you also shouldn’t go to bed very hungry. Not 8, not 80.

Caffeine and alcohol have a (negative) effect

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A coffee after dinner or a drink with friends are common habits to relax. But, in either scenario, drinking these drinks can harm your sleep.

Caffeine blocks adenosine, a chemical that contributes to the feeling of drowsiness, and the body can take up to 10 hours to eliminate the substance in coffee.

Alcohol, although it can help you fall asleep at first, can affect the sleep cycle, increasing the chances of waking up more often in the middle of the night.

Stop scrolling on your phone

Cell phone before bed

Cavan Images

It is an increasingly common habit. With the advancement of technology, cell phones and computers have invaded people’s routine, even in bed. It is, for many, the first and last thing to do in the day: checking notifications, responding to messages and scrolling through social media.

Light from devices can disrupt your circadian rhythm, suppressing melatonin, which helps you sleep, experts warn.

“TikTok doesn’t want you to stop. Only you can stop”, says Dianne Augelli, assistant professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, who highlights the importance of self-discipline to create healthy habits.

Nothing better than… going to the doctor

If problems persist, and you have already tried to implement the previous techniques for more than a month, there is no better solution than seeing a doctor, experts recommend, especially if sleepless nights are affecting your mood and professional performance.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: sleep simple tips improve sleep quality

