Government has already approved a new housing strategy – Housing

Government has already approved a new housing strategy – Housing
Government has already approved a new housing strategy – Housing

The Government approved this Thursday, in the Council of Ministers, its new package for the housing area, which should be presented “in the next few days”, said the Prime Minister at the press conference that followed the weekly meeting. The necessary diploma proposals “will come to the meetings of the Council of Ministers in the coming weeks”, said Luís Montenegro, without providing details.

The official statement from the Council of Ministers highlights that the objective is “to resolve the serious crisis in the sector [da habitação] which especially affects young people, vulnerable people and the middle class”.

The Strategy includes “innovative measures to promote public, private and cooperative supply, and support demand, especially from those groups”, the note continues.

It is also intended to “correct serious errors and omissions in public policies in recent years”, and here, and as already foreseen in the Government Program, will be the revocation or amendment of several measures from the Mais Habitação package of the previous Government , such as the elimination of restrictions on new local accommodation units or one of the most controversial options of the António Costa Government, relating to forced leasing which, despite being quite empty compared to what was initially planned, was approved and is currently included in the law.

The new Government also intends to review the changes to the 2012 rent law, which were included over the last decade in the part relating to old leases, prior to 1990.

“The Strategy will be released in the coming days and subject to parliamentary dialogue prior to the legislative and administrative adoption of individual measures”, concludes the note from the Council of Ministers.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Government approved housing strategy Housing

