Tondela: Municipality wants to invest 4.9 ME in the Local Housing Strategy | Daily Station

Tondela: Municipality wants to invest 4.9 ME in the Local Housing Strategy | Daily Station
Tondela: Municipality wants to invest 4.9 ME in the Local Housing Strategy | Daily Station

Photo: CM Tondela

A Tondela City Council applied for projects worth more than 4.9 million euros (ME) to the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), to invest in 47 housing units.

According to the councilor responsible for Social Action and Housing, the Local Housing Strategy finalized in 2020 has 42 different measures, some of which can be financed, with the municipality advancing with several applications.

More than building houses, Vera Machado emphasizes the need to identify “the needs” of families and “address them quickly and effectively, giving dignity to these families”.

Still according to Vera Machado, the Social Action services have around 30 requests for housing, “some of them classifiable as social housing, others as affordable rentals”, of which around two thirds are in the União de Freguesias Tondela Nandufe “and the most T1 and T3 are necessary”, said the councilor, adding that these are “mostly Portuguese families and as employees”.

One of the buildings that the municipality wants to requalify is the old Pensão Matos, in the historic center of the city of Tondela, where works worth around 1.7 million euros will be carried out, and which will give way to 13 apartments, which will be placed on the market with affordable incomes, and in accordance with families’ effort rates.

The Chamber also purchased seven properties from private parties, with a total value of 778 thousand euros, six in the municipality headquarters and one in Molelos, which will be placed in an affordable rental exchange, to be managed by the Social Action services.

Within the scope of the 1st Law program, 14 applications were submitted, in an investment of 977 thousand euros that will benefit needy families in 10 parishes in the municipality.

This and other news can be heard on Estação Diária – 96.8 FM or at

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Tondela Municipality invest Local Housing Strategy Daily Station

