More than 80% of internet users in Portugal consume digital audio

More than 80% of internet users in Portugal consume digital audio
More than 80% of internet users in Portugal consume digital audio

Last year, more than a third (38.7%) of Portuguese people said they listened to more digital content

More than 80% of internet users in Portugal consume digital audio, reveals this Friday a study by Marktest for Bauer Media Áudio Portugal, and more than half (57.3%) “consume radio in real time”.

The “Study on Digital Audio Consumption in Portugal” concludes that “8 out of every 10 internet users in Portugal already consume digital audio, in its various forms: consumption of radio, music or ‘online podcast'”, that is, 83.5% , and that “57.3% report that this consumption is done by listening to the radio in real time, through the radio’s websites or mobile applications”.

This demonstrates that digital audio is a trend: last year more than a third (38.7%) of Portuguese people said they listened to more digital content.

“Four out of every 10 respondents increased their consumption of digital audio, in general, and in particular ‘podcasts’, in the last year, with 31.9% expecting to increase their ‘online’ audio consumption in the next 12 months”, says the study.

During this period, the average listening time was 14 hours per week, the ‘smartphone’ is the most used technology and music, entertainment and humor are the ‘top 3’ of the most listened to content.

Regarding gender, “the data shows that there is no substantial difference in the consumption of digital audio, as 83.2% of the male population confirms that they consume audio in digital format, compared to 83.7% of the female public”.

According to the data, “98.4% of Gen Z [nascidos entre os meados da década de 90 e inícios de 2000] indicates consuming digital audio, of which 38.1% guarantee to do so by listening to the radio in real time through the radio’s website or apps; Digital audio consumption then tends to decrease progressively, at the same time as the age of listeners increases, until reaching the ‘Baby Boomers’ [nascidos entre meados dos anos 40 e meados dos anos 60]in which 68.4% report consuming audio content digitally, with 67.8% listening to the radio in real time via the radio station’s website or apps.”

Smartphones are the most used technology for digital audio consumption (67.1%), particularly among generation Z, where this number rises to 82.2%” and car radios, “whether in ‘connected’ mode car’ or with another device using ‘bluetooth’ (50.7%) and the computer (48.9%) make up the ‘top3′”, says the study.

YouTube and Spotify are the most used platforms for digital audio consumption, with 77.7% and 58.4%, respectively.

“Regarding digital content in ‘podcast’ format, 4 in 10 respondents guarantee listening to podcasts (40.8%)”, concludes the study.

The “Digital Audio Consumption Study in Portugal” was carried out by Marktest for Bauer Media Áudio Portugal “with the aim of understanding digital audio consumption habits among Portuguese internet users over 15 years old, namely, quantifying the target who consumes this type of content, the frequency with which they do so, the type of content consumed and the technologies used to do so, among others”.

Digital audio consumption is understood as the consumption of radio, music or ‘podcast’ online, that is, via the Internet and 808 interviews were carried out between the 16th and 29th of February 2024.

“The death of radio has been successively announced, first with television, then with the Internet, and now with ‘streaming'”, says Salvador Ribeiro, executive president (CEO) of Bauer Media Áudio Portugal, cited in a statement.

“However, what these data show us is that a large part of the population – and it cuts across all generations – continues to listen to the radio, although they now consume it digitally”, so “this study opens up many avenues for future of digital audio and so that we can continue to be at the forefront of this transformation, understanding listeners and giving them what they want to hear”, concludes the person in charge.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: internet users Portugal consume digital audio

